"The most basic duty of a government is to protect the people from invaders and criminals, yet most governments in the West are not doing so. That’s not a coincidence. It is willful."

Yes and no. It is definately the duty of the US Federal Government to defend against invaders but it's their duty to protect citizens from criminals and if you mean overseas criminals then I view that more as an invader just one who is targeting specific individuals from over seas as opposed to an invading army. When you decide it's the governments job to protect you personally from others within teh nation that starts to path to giving government the excuse to disarm you as you have agreed it is they that should protect you and not you. Interestingly enough our existing law enforcement aren't actually required to protect or defend us. In non corrupt areas they do this but legally they aren't required to.

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Good points. And I am NOT saying that one should give up one's right to defend himself. This Texan sure isn't.

But we delegate responsibility to combat crime to governments and for good reason. When governments then willfully fail to deal with crime, matters can get ugly indeed.

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I'm not against having law enforcement; I'd much rather a cop deal with a criminal than me. I'm just pointing out that by law they aren't required to protect any of us and that is how the nation was setup to work. The 2A even explicitly states that states should have a militia to “execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions, to organize, arm and discipline the body when called out in service of the United States". I guess you could argue that those militias transformed over time into what we call law enforcement; cops. To me if the government is expected to protect us then they should legally be required to and they aren't.

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I covered much of what's going on with mass migration here. It's definitely on purpose. And it's openly discussed amongst UN member nations.


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The trouble is not so much politicians but the blob or the Deep State or whatever you call the interacting mass of public sector workers and work practices. In earlier times this was called the Parasitic Class in that a certain level of parasites can be symbiotic; too much is deadly.

There are entrenched ideas, egos and little fiefdoms that prevent any real action unless it props up the current status quo. And even if it goes against sense or progress.

In the space industry where I worked for a decade and still write about, there are decade-long mission developments that balloon in costs. When you scratch the surface you see they are exercises in keeping people employed, not so much about good ROI. So when SpaceX comes along and steamrollers over the launch and other adjacent industries you finally get to see what’s going on.

Politically you can’t just do it with politicians. It needs like minded people at all levels to gut the institutions and return some sense to things. At least for some decades before the parasite gets too big.

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