I probably shouldn’t start a post like this by getting personal, but doing this substack has been interesting lately. I was sick before Thanksgiving and had no energy to write. Even before then, my mental energy for writing has been subpar for a while. But now that I am well and sharp (I think losing weight during my mild illness helped. Yes, I’m an actual Texan who LOST weight over Thanksgiving.), there are so many things I want to write but just do not have the time to. Plus I have never been a prolific writer. I think I write well, but I know don’t write fast.
So there have been some big picture observations that I’ve wanted to put down but have put off because I want to be sure I finish my Tractarian Advent series well. But then I read a brilliant post by
as I woke up this morning.After reading that, I felt I should no longer put off writing some big picture things I see that we all must face up to. These are big topics, and I cannot write a series of long posts now in addition to my Tractarian Advent series. So for now they will have to be pretty much bullet points of things that must be said yet we are hardly allowed to say. But, as Dreher and Solzhenitsyn wrote, we must live not by lies, but by the truth. So here goes.
(And yes these today have to do mostly with secular politics, not spiritual life. And spiritual life is in the long run more important. Read my Tractarian Advent series for that during this month.)
The most basic duty of a government is to protect the people from invaders and criminals, yet most governments in the West are not doing so. That’s not a coincidence. It is willful.
Is there now any question that the failure of U. S., U. K. and European governments to stop invasions and protect their people from criminals is willful? And it is willful on a global scale.
And this is part of the willful attacks on our freedoms by the Globalists. As
“. . . you’re not truly free if held hostage by the worst behaved members of society, and your behaviour has to adapt to them.” And that goes double if you are being invaded by a great many of the worst behaved members of the world. I think Dreher is on target in pointing out the Globalists are thereby trying to colonize us.
Speaking of which, I will now state something obvious that will probably get me sent to the Gulag one day.
Replacement is not a conspiracy theory. Replacement is a conspiracy FACT.
Does anyone really think for one sane minute that the various Globalist governments, from the Biden Regime to the Fake Tories to Germany and most of the EU, could not stop the “migration” invasion of their countries and quickly if they really wanted to? Does anyone think all this “migration” into the West just spontaneously happened because of climate change or whatever lame excuses? From Dreher’s post:
Maaßen said during the interview that countries like Germany and Austria have the tools necessary to stop immigration, but they are making a conscious choice not to.
“Germany and Austria could start rejecting people at the borders from one day to the next — due to the third country regulation,” the former spy chief stated. “Furthermore, the state could deport or ensure voluntary departure for “hundreds of thousands of foreigners who do not want to integrate and who could commit crimes and continue to depend on social benefits from the state.”
Do you get that? We have the former top domestic security chief of Germany saying that the Great Replacement is not a right-wing conspiracy theory, but policy of governments both left and right. We all live in democracies, and keep voting for these people, but the colonization and subjugation of Western peoples continues apace.
The Globalist governments do not stop the invasions because they do not want to stop them. (Non-Globalist Hungary, though landlocked and far from powerful, has little problem keeping out the invaders other than the rest of the EU hassling them for it.) And it’s not just one country that lets the invaders right on in as here under Biden. It is an intentional conspiracy among governments. The ongoing invasion is a Globalist conspiracy to replace us. We do not bow down to their power enough. So they seek to replace us with people that will. (By the way, it was documented that Labour under Tony Blair was already doing this and rather gleefully. It is not just a theory!)
Saying so may seem paranoid or nutty in the eyes of some readers. I’m sorry/not sorry. Open your eyes. Speaking of which . . .
Many/most people now see that these governments are intentionally failing to protect us from invaders and criminals. And that puts us in a dangerous time.
Most people want to be good peaceful citizens and cooperate with the authorities, as they should. (Romans 13:1-7) But if the people see — and they are seeing it more and more — that governments are not only failing to protect them from invaders and criminals but that the failure is intentional . . . well, all bets are off. What just happened in Ireland is likely a foretaste of an angry dangerous time.
So I think I should say again the following:
We should work hard and pray hard to defeat these Globalist governments peacefully.
I am not a pacifist. I believe self-defense against invaders and criminals and their backers is a fundamental human right backed up by Scripture no less. But to try to use violent means to overthrow the Globalists will probably just play into their hands.
And do not underestimate the power of peaceful resistance to defeat tyranny, even totalitarianism. Did anyone expect the Communists of Eastern Europe to fall with hardly a shot (outside of Romania)? I sure did not. We have no idea how God can use those with the courage to stand peacefully on truth and freedom against lies and tyranny.
Here in the U. S., we must defeat the Biden Regime, the Democrats, and a lot of RINOs, too, in the elections next year. Overcoming the rigging of elections in key states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin will not be easy. Overcoming a government that just doesn’t care what actual Americans think will not be easy. Dreher again:
The native is made to feel that decisions about his nation and even his own future are something simply out of his hands. In the US, as in Europe, most people do not want open-borders migration. Yet no matter who is in power, it continues. The British even took the radical step of leaving the European Union in large part to gain control of their borders. Yet migration only grew post-Brexit, despite Tory government. And there are right-thinking people who wonder how on earth people are losing faith in liberal democracy.
Yes, the people in power are deadset on subverting your voice and your vote and in thereby discouraging you and stripping you of power. But we must defeat them anyway and, God help us, peacefully. Again, it will not be easy.
At the same time, I do have hope because more and more people are getting red-pilled, including people one would not expect.
The alternatives . . . well, let’s work and pray not to go there. But I think we have to prepare for things to get ugly. For that is where the Globalists are leading us. They have not only asked for the increasing anger against them; they, by their willful failures to do their duty, are practically forcing the people to defend themselves against the invaders and criminals. So this could get very ugly. Again, I pray it doesn’t. God have mercy upon us.
Well, I have only scratched the surface and could and probably will say more. For example, we have to face up to and defeat the totalitarian censorship regime in the West that
and others are exposing.If we want to live as free peoples, we have to work hard and pray hard against the Globalists. Neither passivity nor mindless violence will do. It begins with knowing where we are. I hope this simple post helps with that.
"The most basic duty of a government is to protect the people from invaders and criminals, yet most governments in the West are not doing so. That’s not a coincidence. It is willful."
Yes and no. It is definately the duty of the US Federal Government to defend against invaders but it's their duty to protect citizens from criminals and if you mean overseas criminals then I view that more as an invader just one who is targeting specific individuals from over seas as opposed to an invading army. When you decide it's the governments job to protect you personally from others within teh nation that starts to path to giving government the excuse to disarm you as you have agreed it is they that should protect you and not you. Interestingly enough our existing law enforcement aren't actually required to protect or defend us. In non corrupt areas they do this but legally they aren't required to.
I covered much of what's going on with mass migration here. It's definitely on purpose. And it's openly discussed amongst UN member nations.