Last week, a black man running for Governor of a large state was attacked on the street. A white woman wearing a gorilla mask threw an egg at him. We can all be thankful that she missed. And all decent people can agree the attack was an outrage: a white person wearing a gorilla mask egging a Black man peacefully campaigning as he runs for high office. I do not know what rot lies in that woman’s heart, but it at least has the appearance of a nasty racist attack. Surely, those most concerned about “racism” and “racial justice” would lead us all in condemning this.
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Larry Elder Attacked. Woke Hypocrisy…
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Last week, a black man running for Governor of a large state was attacked on the street. A white woman wearing a gorilla mask threw an egg at him. We can all be thankful that she missed. And all decent people can agree the attack was an outrage: a white person wearing a gorilla mask egging a Black man peacefully campaigning as he runs for high office. I do not know what rot lies in that woman’s heart, but it at least has the appearance of a nasty racist attack. Surely, those most concerned about “racism” and “racial justice” would lead us all in condemning this.