Larry Elder Attacked. Woke Hypocrisy Revealed.
Last week, a black man running for Governor of a large state was attacked on the street. A white woman wearing a gorilla mask threw an egg at him. We can all be thankful that she missed. And all decent people can agree the attack was an outrage: a white person wearing a gorilla mask egging a Black man peacefully campaigning as he runs for high office. I do not know what rot lies in that woman’s heart, but it at least has the appearance of a nasty racist attack. Surely, those most concerned about “racism” and “racial justice” would lead us all in condemning this.
Well, that is not the case. Not at all. You see, Larry Elder, running as a Republican for Governor of California in the effort to recall Leftist Democrat Gavin Newsom (The election day for that is today.), is the black man who was attacked. But he’s a conservative/libertarian Republican, so I guess he doesn’t count as black in the eyes of the woke.
The attack on him certainly does not merit mention in woke eyes. I hesitate to say no woke leader has condemned the attack, but I have searched and searched and found not even one mention of the attack from the woke crowd, must less a condemnation. Surely one is out there somewhere, but I haven’t found it.
Imagine their outage if, say, Maxine Waters was egged by a Trump supporter while walking in the street. We would be hearing about it for weeks and months. But Larry Elder is egged by someone wearing a gorilla mask of all things and . . . crickets.
Three twitter feeds illustrate this woke hypocrisy.
Russell Moore rubbed it in people’s faces that the Richmond Robert E. Lee statue was taken down, smearing those who opposed that as torch-bearing Nazis. But the attack on Larry Elder? Not a tweet.
Jemar Tisby’s ever busy twitter feed was busy promoting his books, of course as well as promoting leaving evangelical churches because they are too white. But no mention of the attack on Larry Elder. Why do so many in ACNA promote this guy again?
Esau McCaulley has long and often rightly lamented attacks on “Black bodies.” But his twitter feed has not a mention of the attack on Larry Elder’s body.
Trust that I could point out more. Ibram X. Kendi was too busy pushing racial division and raking in the money to be bothered. I don’t think that Kyle J. Howard mentioned the attack on Elder either, but his hyperactive uberwoke twitter feed sapped both my attention span and my I. Q., so I am not 100% sure of that.
Now one would think that somewhere sometime a platformed woke person would have thought that the attack on Larry Elder was awful and at least has the appearance of racism. Such a person, if such exists, would have seen that this attack from a Leftist against a conservative black man is appalling and merits being called out as much as other unjustified attacks on Black people. And such a person may have even seen he had an opportunity to demonstrate that he is not just a Leftist political hack. And maybe someone somewhere did just that.
But I have not seen that, not once. Maybe that is because woke leaders, including woke church leaders, are Leftist political hacks and shameless hypocrites as well. The silence on this certainly confirms that that wokeness is more about Us vs. Them than about justice or public witness.