Irksome isn't it when the CoE's historic and still official formularies (examples, BCP 1662, Catechism, Ordinal, Articles of Religion, two Books of Homilies) contain an abundance on the subject of reconciliation with God and with fellow man and woman, both in doctrine and in practice. Shame that persons and parties within the CoE would think it urgently necessary to partner with an outside organization to reinvent the wheel. Indeed, the opening rubrics and the exhortations in the office of Holy Communion and even in the office of the Visitation of the Sick are notable examples of what the CoE held to with respect to reconciliation: presume not to come to the table by reason of open and notorious contention with your neighbors, or other grave and open sin without repentance; if others have offended you, forgive them from the bottom of your heart; if you have offended others, ask them for forgiveness, or if you have done injury or wrong to others then make amends to your uttermost ability.

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Excellent Article, Mark!! Your observations are very clear and truthful. I have noticed for years a departure from the Gospel of Christ for what has been called the “social gospel”. I have seen the results of confusing the politics of a “social justice” with the genuine Justice described in the Word of God!

Those promoting so called “social Justice” have perverted the word “Justice” from its absolute connection to God almighty and truth! Instead they connect it to movements intended to promote a racist agenda that seeks to punish the living for the sins of the dead. Their sense of Justice is nothing more than holding a certain race of people in the present responsible for all of the sins committed by members of their race in the past and calling it “Justice”. They do this in order to justify forcing injustice on the church and society in the place of accepting the true Justice of that holds every individual accountable for their own sins. That, is tyranny, not Justice.

In my view they are communist who insist that people should be judged as collective members of a particular group that they have determined to have been and are continuing to be oppressors of the oppressed. They come dressed as Christian’s abusing the most meaningful words in our vocabulary very much as the apostle Paul described Satan appearing as an angel of light.

I Corinthians 15: 1-11 defines the true gospel and it has nothing to do with politics or any political agenda of those seeking to rule over others rather than inspiring men of the entire human race submit to the will and authority of God almighty in the acceptance of and in obedience to the genuine gospel of Christ. Obeying the true gospel is a commitment to live a life committed to truth, righteousness, justice for all individually regardless of belonging to any collective identity or race, and walking humbly with our God!

These liars will not accept the genuine justice and righteousness of God, but will continue to prate around dressed in robes crying for “Social Justice” in order to divide society into oppressors versus oppressed and thereby thwart true justice and hinder the genuine Gospel of Christ for their “social gospel” intended to promote their communistic political agenda.

These false teachers in the church of Christ must be resisted by the teaching of the word of God.

I am thankful that you have directed your readers to read the Bible which is the very word and will of God who loved us so much that he gave his only begotten son to suffer on the cross and raised him from the dead to redeem us from our sins.

Follow Christ and know the truth so that we are not driven about by every wind of doctrine and theories of men that always leads into the desert of darkness begging for the water of life that can only be found in the word of God. Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.

May we cast these deceivers out of the church of Christ till they repent and turn from serving Satan

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