Usually the Telegraph is not the first thing I read in the morning, but for some reason I felt like checking it first today, and I am glad I did! My morning was already made as soon as I read that Nicola Sturgeon had just resigned as Scotland’s First Minister. This was quite a surprise. She has never held on to power lightly, and I am unaware of anyone expecting this.
So why should anyone outside the UK care? Why should I care? Well, she is an awful power-hungry Leftist, but other than that, why care?
The answer is revealed by the row over Isla Bryson previously known as Adam Graham. Graham/Bryson is a biological male and an accused rapist who suddenly transformed into a woman, although still with male naughty bits, and was sent to a women’s prison in Scotland. How convenient.
To say Sturgeon did not handle this well is an understatement. She stumbled all over herself on whether a biologically male rapist belonged in a women’s prison and on his/her gender. She finally opposed moving the biologically male rapist to a women’s prison but took too long to do so. The deserved political damage was done.
All this after she had championed the December passage of the Gender Recognition Reform Bill in the Scottish Parliament, a bill which would allow youth as young as 16 to officially change their gender. The UK government in Westminster later intervened and blocked it. And the bill did not go over well in Scotland either.
BBC summaries of all this as of a few days ago may be found here and here. And here is a Telegraph analysis of how all this led to her resignation.
Back to this morning, Sturgeon insisted that this trans row was not the last straw that led to her resignation, but it is obvious that it was a significant contributing factor. (And that is another understatement, but I’m Anglican so I can do those as much as I please.)
Now, although the Scottish may have better BS detectors than most, Scotland is hardly a right-wing place. The Scottish National Party and Labour are the two leading parties. For trans wokeness to bring down a long standing political leader there is remarkable and encouraging.
I am not usually an optimist. To say I am not optimistic about the current direction of the U. K. and well as the U. S. would be yet another understatement.
But I see Sturgeon’s resignation as an encouraging indicator, as part of a bigger picture in the West. Rank and file regular people, “normals” if you like, are fed up with woke garbage being crammed down our throats. And we are spitting it out and pushing back. “Go woke, go broke” is expanding to politics, even in places like Scotland that are not at all right-of-center. One brave man is even speculating that Canada’s Boy Marxist Justin Trudeau is next. (Please, Lord!) Here in the U. S. I suspect the Democrats can only hold on to the White House and Senate in 2024 if they massively cheat (again) or if the GOP massively blunders (again).
Rod Dreher has been warning of a backlash against totalitarian wokeness. Methinks the backlash is here and not a moment too soon. Let us pray the backlash succeeds and without grievous harm.
God help us otherwise.
You may claim not to be an optimist but it seems you are more of one than I am! Unfortunately I think we have a way to go yet before we reach 'peak woke'. You might like to read my take on Sturgeon's resignation here: and also take a look at some of my other articles.