Back in late 2019, I was considering seeking permanent resident status in the UK.
Boris Johnson had just been elected in a historic landslide. Being a fan of his for years, I had high hopes for Britain under him and those who came after. Even before the 2019 election I thought he had the potential to be a great Prime Minister. Further, Leftist Jeremy Corbin and allies were thrown into the political dustbin. So Labour, though still not my cup of tea, was no longer an existential threat to the country and was unlikely to be for decades.
I could not say the same about the Democrat Party. I’m old enough to remember when Labour was the Silly Party and the Democrat Party somewhat sensible on a good day. But that was decades ago. I greatly feared what would happen to the U. S. should today’s Democrats consolidate power here. (And events so far are proving me right although I have not lost all hope just yet.) That combined with my love of England had me looking across the pond for possible refuge.
Now I didn’t have any illusions — or so I thought. Yes, I knew Britain has never been as much into free speech as the U. S. Yes, I knew Britain didn’t have GUNS. I knew enduring their depressing winters would be an issue. But I had already spent a lot of time in England and loved the place. And I did not at all like what America was in grave danger of becoming.
But then came COVID. Although a few U. S. states weren’t much better, I was appalled at the misery Boris Johnson was putting his people through. Before long, I was disappointed in Boris himself. What had he accomplished with his massive electoral mandate other than virtually imprisoning his people? After he fell, I thought Truss might set things right. But her political blunders and the long knives of the Wet Tories took care of her quickly. So now there really isn’t a real Conservative Party left in Britain except little Reform UK maybe.
And now, without the Tory Government lifting a finger to stop it, totalitarian crap like this is happening. Silent prayer and mere Christian existence practically is not allowed near Holy Shrines of Moloch, aka abortion clinics . . . even when they are not open.
Once this worthless Tory Government is given the defeat it has well earned, one wonders how much worse things will get under a worthless Labour Government. Yes, Keir Starmer is not Jeremy Corbin and not as bad as U. S. Democrats either. But he doesn’t have the principles and backbone to defend what remains of freedom in the U. K.
The increasingly worthless Church of England doesn’t say a peep either. They are too busy trying to neuter marriage and even God. Yes, there are still havens I love in the Church of England, but will they have the backbones to remain havens of faithfulness? If so, how long will they be allowed to remain havens of faithfulness?
So now I look across the Pond with sadness more than longing. Needless to say, I won’t be moving to England after all. A better question is where is England moving? It does not look like a good place at all.