No surprise that C4SO would throw down the gauntlet. Calvin Robinson reportedly gave a spirited criticism of WO at GAFCON last year, in Rwanda, with WO proponents from Africa and elsewhere in attendance. Why the leaders of Mere Anglicanism thought they would hear something else is a big question; having invited Robinson, to claim he didn't talk about critical theories as a reason to deplatform him on Saturday morning makes them look petty and foolish.

It's not quite fifty years since the first illicit female ordinations in TEC in 1976. Leaders at that time warned that WO would be followed by gay marriage. They were right; it was. In less than fifty years of something that was never done in the first 1950 years of Christian history, and is prohibited in Scripture, the left is surprised that people still object.

Mere Anglicanism, on Saturday morning, may have triggered an ACNA split. Half of us could have, as existed in my childhood, an Anglican Church with united orders of ministry, obedience to scripture and ancient creed, and both low- and high-church wings in one church. There are "continuing" bodies which might be interested in re-uniting with a church now cleansed of twentieth-century innovations. The other half can have a moderately liberal Protestant church, almost all low-church, with female preachers. We could wish each other well and stop the bickering.

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ACNA bishops had the votes at the Founding to prohibit WO, but did not, partly as a sop to Abp. Duncan, who had led the fight and who had women in orders in his diocese. Not long afterward, despite the theological language, if the truth of the matter had been spoken it would have sounded like this: The evangelical parishes with WO have more people and more money, and for THAT reason we have to find a way to live together. I have heard ACNA bishops acknowledge this, that it was less about theology and more about numbers and money.

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I've not heard that angle. I might have to look more into that.

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FiFNA bishops had the votes at the Founding. . . there, fixed that for ya.

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Somehow, within a context of "dual integrities," it's "bad behavior" to criticize women's ordination. Hunter & his followers need to go.

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