I am not big into blocking, but I do struggle not responding to some people. I tell myself that they are not worth response. Almost any time I do respond to those types, their inability to engage in good faith becomes very clear.

For some reason, I find blocking too extreme. I also don't want to give them the satisfaction.

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I will respond 3x, but if they continue pushing their 'insane religion' I do block&mute, because if you don't they can send 100's of comments a day and clutter and make it impossible to find stuff from sincere human beings;

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I give the nut-cases you know flat-earth, 5G, and graphene ppl 3 replys and then I block&mute; I have a real problem with 5G & Graphene talk, I'm a physics person and this lay non-sense just rattles my buttons;

Case closed;

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