The sad thing is, is that many shepherds are coming out of seminary already tainted by false teaching in the seminaries. These shepherds then spread their false doctrine to the sheep. This is why it is so important to study the Scriptures ourselves. If one wants to know how to determine a fake $100 from a real one, they need to study the real one. It is the same with the Scriptures. We need to dig in and study the Scriptures, so we can determine what is true from what is false. Otherwise, we will be led astray.
Do not grow weary in well doing
The sad thing is, is that many shepherds are coming out of seminary already tainted by false teaching in the seminaries. These shepherds then spread their false doctrine to the sheep. This is why it is so important to study the Scriptures ourselves. If one wants to know how to determine a fake $100 from a real one, they need to study the real one. It is the same with the Scriptures. We need to dig in and study the Scriptures, so we can determine what is true from what is false. Otherwise, we will be led astray.
Agreed. And both candidates and churches need to be pickier about seminaries. Cranmer House Dallas is both excellent and affordable.
There were no codified scriptures in AD 200.
The Old Testament and most of the New Testament were accepted by the church then. There was still disagreement on a few books.