Why would anyone stay in a church that advocates for women and child trafficking which is big money with these open borders? Why would anyone stay in a church that takes money from the government and closes a blind eye to women and child trafficking? If one is looking for orthodoxy or staying faithful as the reasons for remaining, maybe they should take a look at their own hearts. As Christians are we are not supposed to be faithful to orthodoxy, religion, or a Pope. We are supposed to be faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ?? What does Christ say about money and child trafficking? The love of money is the root of all evil. Also, remember Joseph was trafficked-sold into slavery by his brothers.

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Good questions. I've already answered for myself personally. I think an RC would say the RCC has had its bad bishops and bad periods (The 10th century stands out as being particularly awful.) but that Christ still leads the Church through those times into reform.

My OPINION is that at some point even the Church of Rome will fall away permanently in the Great Apostasy. That only a remnant of faithful Catholics will persevere. Most RCs would consider me gravely mistaken, however.

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I believe the Roman Catholic Church is part of that one world religion that will deceive so many during the tribulation period. They already compromise the truth of God’s word in so many ways, and so many are already deceived. They are more devoted to their religion than they are to the Lord Jesus Christ.

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One of the reasons the RCC wants open borders is to replace White Catholic America which is rapidly aging and evaporating. sex scandals plus bankrupt diocese’s equals death. The RCC needs South American immigrants to replace them. That, I believe is the central issue.

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I think that’s one issue, but I also think there’s profound evil at work here.

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Oh I agree. There is profound evil at play. The watering down of doctrine and sexual ethics in the RCC and capitulation to the culture on sexuality issues is center front. Under Francis the RCC has gone to the dogs. The bigger question is whether it can recover.

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