My last post was not a very happy one. I make no apology for that. We need to wake up to how much is riding on this year’s elections along with 2024, and if I am one of those unpleasant people who do the waking up, then so be it. But I am glad to follow that post up with happier news.
A Trafalgar Poll indicates that most Americans get it that Biden’s Hate Speech, aka his “Soul of the Nation” speech last week, went far beyond what is appropriate for a President of the United States. To be exact, 56.8% of likely voters polled consider it “a dangerous escalation in rhetoric . . . designed to incite conflict amongst Americans.” That compared with 35.5% who said it was “acceptable campaign messaging that is to be expected in an election year.”
What makes the poll even more damning are the options that were presented to those polled. The option chosen by the majority said the speech was “designed to incite conflict amongst Americans.” I of all people would have to think a moment before choosing that. I consider the speech more fascist than American, but I am not completely sure that it was designed to incite conflict. Being a gracious man, I leave room for utter stupidity from Biden and his puppet masters.
The other option was more inviting in a way. It hardly praised the speech; it did not say it was a good speech. It merely said it was “acceptable” and “to be expected in an election year.” I would say that is damning with faint praise, but there is hardly any praise there. Yet only 35.5% could go that far. A strong majority would rather say it was “designed to incite conflict amongst Americans”!
Some polls are manipulatively worded to bring about a desired result. If anything the opposite occurred in this poll. People were presented with a harsh choice and a rather neutral moderate choice. Yet a majority choose the harsh choice anyway. Strong dislike of Biden’s speech may actually be more widespread than this poll indicates.
How much affect revulsion against the speech will have on the mid-term elections coming up is an open question. But the numbers among those all-important independents are even more encouraging in that regard: 62.4% “dangerous escalation” to only 31.2% “acceptable campaign messaging.”
But (Yes, you know I have to look at the dark side.) it is disturbing that 70.8% of Democrats polled found the speech “acceptable campaign messaging.” I hope the neutrality of that choice was a significant factor behind that number, but it makes one wonder just what a Democrat President has to say or do before Democrats find it unacceptable.
Still, the news from this poll is mostly good. A significant majority of Americans are still American enough to realize Biden was dangerously out of line in his speech. We can have some hope that it serves as a wake up call far different than what Biden and his handlers intended.