Labor Day weekend is traditionally a time when campaigning for November elections heats up in earnest. Of course, the political calendar is now so mangled by perpetual campaigning and weeks upon weeks of early voting, one wonders if there is any escape from the heat of political campaigning. But anyway…
It seems every election has those saying, “This is the most important election ever!” I will not say that (yet). But this year’s mid-terms and the 2024 presidential election are important, really too important. Patiently hear me out on why.
I say these elections are too important for good reason. I’m old enough to remember when the two major parties actually agreed on a lot. They at least pretended to agree on the importance of secure borders, of stopping crime, of freedom of speech among other Constitutional rights, of free and somewhat fair elections, of Americans being “endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Differences between the two parties were mainly on taxes and spending, along with disputes on the lawful boundaries of life and liberty in a few areas. That did not mean politics never got heated, but the core of who we are as Americans was usually not on the ballot; it was agreed upon by both parties for the most part. (Whether and when that agreement was wholehearted and honest I will leave aside.)
That cannot be said about this year’s midterms — as Biden’s ominous “Soul of the Nation” speech this past Thursday made all too clear — and likely cannot be said about the 2024 election. For the government in power is actively tearing apart the above basics of what makes America American.
Oh, this did not begin with the inauguration of Biden, but it sure has accelerated since. The Biden Regime (Yes, it is so lawless and illegitimate that it merits being called that.) has refused to defend our borders as the Constitution and the law require and has practically invited the resulting mass invasion of fake refugees, criminals, gangs, terrorists, deadly fentanyl, and God knows what else. The harm and degradation this is doing every day to the United States is incalculable.
Democrats, funded by George Soros, have also practically invited a surge in crime with their enabling DAs, No-Cash-Bail, non-prosecution of property crimes, etc. (Yes, Biden’s sudden concern about crime right before the mid-terms is laughable. He and/or his puppeteers must think we are stupid.) Meanwhile, by continuing to attack the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, Biden and the Democrats are still working to make it more difficult for us to defend ourselves against their criminals.
The Biden Regime has collaborated with Big Social Media to attack free speech. Alex Berenson has bravely exposed the regime attack on him. A lawsuit by Missouri and Louisiana is exposing and documenting a number of other specific cases of the Regime urging Big Social Media censorship against non-violent speech. A regime collaborating with big business to attack the rights of citizens — how is that not fascism? And Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, have attacked social media for not being fascist enough in attacking free speech.
As for free and fair elections, I will not litigate here the question of whether 2020 was stolen. I have my strong suspicions but am not 100% sure. And I think some of Trump’s statements of late on this have been unhelpful. But there is no question there was rigging and fraud on a massive scale. Do read Rigged by Mollie Hemingway and watch the documentary 2000 Mules with an open mind. And Democrats want more rigging of our elections not less. Their love of fraud enabling mail-in voting is one example. They even continue to oppose Voter ID even though it is a given in countries that actually want clean elections and is supported by the vast majority of Americans.
And although personally I can understand what were supposed to be the temporary COVID restrictions on our freedoms in the Spring of 2020 as we did not know what we were facing, once it got beyond the Summer of 2020, it was clear that COVID was not nearly as deadly as feared and that lockdowns were doing more harm than good. Therefore most of the restrictions imposed beyond then were tyranny that harmed many. And guess where most restrictions beyond Summer 2020 came from? Democrats cheered on by Biden.
Then, of course, there is the weaponizing of the Department of Justice and the FBI against political opponents. The FBI raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence, even of Melania’s closet and of 16 year old Barron’s room, is only the most prominent example. I never dreamed that something like that would happen in America. Yet many Democrats are unable to hide that it’s a wet dream to them.
As you can tell, I could continue. I haven’t mentioned Afghanistan or Biden’s habitual lying or the Biden family’s international corruption exposed by Hunter Biden’s laptop or that absurd woke Supreme Court appointment. And I apologize if I seem to be ranting. I am known to rant on occasion but try to avoid it on my substack. But I think reasonable people with open eyes know that I am correct in my assessment. Which brings me to why the 2022 and 2024 elections are so important.
First, I should say that the reason is NOT that the Republican Party is wonderful. It is not. Although there are several Republicans I love, I do not trust the Republican Party. It is often feckless when principled courage is called for. But if you make me choose between fecklessness and tyranny, I will choose fecklessness. Heck, I will campaign for fecklessness with flags flying.
No, the problem is that the Democrat Party is no longer a tax and spend party that is still somewhat American. Under Biden (or his puppeteers) it has dived into becoming a profoundly anti-American party of predatory tyranny with a totalitarian streak a mile wide.
You think I am being alarmist? Rod Dreher, no Trumpist and no hothead, posted this response to Biden’s speech:
It seems very, very clear to me that this Administration is laying the groundwork, rhetorically and otherwise, for the suppression of political and religious dissent in this country.
It is very clear to me as well. And we cannot be patient and naively hope they will somehow moderate. Any moderation from them will be a ruse tossed off as soon as they are re-elected. Remember when Biden campaigned as a moderate uniter in 2020?That is easy to forget after that Hate Speech last week. Biden sure seems to have forgotten that.
Democrats have already shown us who they are although their kept “news” media often hides it from us. They are tyrants of a fascistic sort. That is how they are governing under Biden, and they are only getting worse.
At this point, we must punish them. We must defeat them. We have no choice. They will not stop themselves until they are made to see they will become politically extinct if they do not stop themselves.
And they may not stop themselves even then. Obama was severely punished in the 2010 and 2014 midterms, but he doubled down on his policies anyway. I see a worse tyrannical bent in the Biden Regime. So we must stop them. That is why I say this year’s and the 2024 elections are so important. Defeating them in just one election is not enough. The Democrat Party has become so profoundly tyrannical that we must defeat them again and again and render them powerless.
I can hear some say the Republican Party is just as bad. I disagree, but the tyrant-enabling RINO wing of the Republican Party does need to be put in its place as well. (Alaska please vote Murkowski out.) But the 2022 party primaries are past, and there has been some success in defeating RINOs. That effort must resume in 2024.
But now is a time, not for insisting on the perfect, but for self-defense, to defend our freedoms and our country from the Democrats.
Self-defense is not pleasant. Peace and unity are much preferable. For the sake of personal peace, some may prefer to stay out of politics, not even to vote. To those I quote an oft timely one-liner from Yakov Smirnoff: “You might not be interested in The Party, but The Party is interested in you!” Passivity will not protect you.
I know I wish I were not compelled even to write this. I wish political involvement was an option not a necessity, that my freedom, our freedom, was not on the ballot. I wish I had more good choices as I have voted for Democrats in times past. But the Democrats of today and the Biden Regime leave us no choice. If we wish to live as free Americans, we must defeat and defeat soundly those who are attacking us and our freedoms from within.
In 2022 and in 2024, the Democrats must be defeated.