I was roused out of bed too early this morning with news that the usual Hamas Nazis (This particular chapter calls itself Oxford Action for Palestine.) have occupied the landmark Radcliffe Camera, a prominent part of the Oxford University library system and where I’ve frequently had the pleasure to study. From the Oxford student newspaper, the Cherwell:
Unlike last term, when tents were set up around the library, an occupation of the library itself is currently taking place. OA4P have dubbed this new occupation “Khalida Jarrar Library” after a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council. At 9am this morning, a group of people entered the Rad Cam in masks and gave people one minute to leave.
I am monitoring this with interest, but I am not holding my breath in hopes it will be dealt with swiftly and appropriately. For as I have noted, the UK, including Oxford, are loath to defend themselves even against horrific predations.
I’ve personally experienced less dangerous but highly obnoxious anti-social behavior at Oxford that went on for months without intervention. An animals rights group that would megaphone their protests into graduation ceremonies and organized panhandlers who created bottlenecks on busy sidewalks day after day are among those instances.
Of course, this American should not look down my nose at the British as U. S. Blue cities and states also do not adequately defend themselves and even punish those who do. But the U. S. as a whole has made it quite clear we’ve had enough of crap like invading “students” disrupting streets and universities with their anti-semite pro-Hamas brayings. One happy result is President Trump has issued an executive order to deport non-citizens who support terrorist groups.
Has the U. K. and Oxford had enough? Again, I am not holding my breath.
UPDATE: Maybe Oxford authorities, both town and gown, are about to surprise me quite pleasantly. This update from the above Cherwell article:
Following discussion between members of OA4P inside the library and police and staff – including a pro-vice chancellor – police entered the building….The protesters by the Rad Cam window announced through a loudspeaker that it was no longer a University matter, but a police matter, and that the police had made it clear they were going to begin arresting people in due course.
A University spokesperson told Cherwell: “We thoroughly condemn the disruption and distress caused to members of the University by the actions of these individuals. While the University supports the right to peaceful protest, this action plainly goes beyond the bounds of acceptable protest and is a clear risk to the safety of protestors, students, staff and members of the public. It is preventing students from using the resources and space of the library to pursue their education. It is also putting at risk on a historic building and its contents. The protesters are in breach of University regulations and policies and we will be enforcing the University’s disciplinary policies.”