The evil of the current regime should be obvious to anyone with a vestige of natural decency and reason. Unfortunately, conscience can be warped by years of propaganda and personal sin. The vast numbers who applaud the Left are testimony to ideological brainwashing in the schools, popular media, elite institutions, and even the Church. False shepherds are a perennial danger.

However, I differ somewhat in granting the licit nature of abstaining from voting for Trump. Not voting for Trump manifestly increases the chances of Harris being elected. Prudential choice is not affirming what is perfect; it is choosing what is best amongst actual possible actions. Some will implicitly aggrandize themselves as possessing greater integrity by refusing to compromise with an abstract standard of perfection. Meanwhile, their actions, if representative of enough folk, could sway an election where the alternative to Trump is irremediable destruction of the country.

What will ensue? Unfathomable evil provoked by victory, actual or purloined, perversity and vicious totalitarian criminalization of religious liberty merely hinted at by present suffering.

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Sep 30Liked by Mark Marshall

It is not just a matter of publically supporting the candidate and party of the Culture of Death, it is refusing to instruct and inform the members of the Church about what it means to be a follower and disciple of Christ and to call out the false teachers and the charlatons in our society which follow the father of lies, the Devil.

After the first Trump assasination attempt, newly minted Abp Steve Wood could not even mention Trump or the assasination by name in his flimsy post against violence. To my knowledge after the second assasination attempt he has totally ignored it. Yet he and others generated reams of paper after the death of George Floyd.

The Roman Catholic Church is no better. Bishops sit on their hands quietly and obediently despite the absolute evil contained within the Democratic Platform. The result? A significant number of Roman Catholics plan to vote for Harris/Waltz!

Of course Donald Trump is not a perfect person. But he is not running to be Pope or Archbishop, he is running to be President, the leader who works for the interests of all Americans in a very dangerous world that wants to destroy this country as founded.

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Oct 1Liked by Mark Marshall

Look no further than Tim Walz's Minnesota where the extreme left controls the executive, legislative, and judiciary-- sanctuary state for abortion, "gender-affirming care," and anti-LEO riots that were allowed to destroy a significant section of Minneapolis.

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Through Harris's policies, fentanyl has come through the border that has killed many. Through Harris's policies, thousands of murderers have come into the country, and some have already killed again. Through Harris's policies, thousands of rapists have come into the country. Through Walz's policies unborn babies can be killed at 9 months. It is Harris's policy to tax unrealized gains, that will destroy the market in the country. It is Harris's policy to control prices at shops that will lead to rationing. I could go on. No church leader can support Harris/ Walz

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