The Church which refuted (battled) all the heretics for 1600 years was the one Jesus founded on the 12 apostles and Paul. Anyone who rails against the Church which figured out the trinity, the creeds, and a thousand other taken for granted aspects of Christianity, by claiming "reformation" needs to study what orthodoxy actually means. Protestants and their 40,000 denominations are a scandal. Christ wanted unity, which is only found in the Catholic Church. St.'s Peter and Paul, pray for us.

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Unity and orthdoxy under Pope Francis and whoever his stacked College of Cardinals makes the next Pope?!?

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Yes. Jesus is the head of His Church. Any pope is simply a temporary visible sign of the unity Christ intends. The Church has survived many bad popes. It will survive Francis (among the worst - from my vantage point), and his successor. Even if the Cardinals select someone more destructive than Bergolio has been, the gates of hell will not prevail because Christ said so.

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Loving and fiercely orthodox is the ideal position. It is Christ's position.

I hate when people reference the story of the woman taken in adultery and remove the "Go and sin no more" from the story. Christ doesn't forgive her in the story. He just refuses to condemn her and calls her to repentance after he calls out the priests and Pharisees for their own hypocrisy.

No need to compromise with values to love others.

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