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It may or may not be relevant but please find these comments.

You are probably familiar with the work of Paul Kingsnorth and his thesis re the now all-pervasive dark hegemony of the machine and the god's of the machine. His work is informed by writers and cultural theorists/critics such as Lewis Mumford, Ellul and others too. He also refers to Iain McGilchrist's two books, especially The Master and His Emissary re the left brain and the making of the modern Western world-view which has essentially scrubbed the ancient pre-modern understanding that the world is an open-ended , even indefinable psychic phenomenon/process. References to the work of Paul Levy and his three books on The Wetiko Disease/psychosis have been posted on his substack site.

Two of the most prominent propaganda factories for this deeply psychotic left-brained machine anti-culture are The Heritage Foundation and The Manhattan Institute which publishes The City Journal. The modern Western city (especially New York) is the most powerful in-your-face manifestation of the power-and-control-seeking machine world-view (paradigm).

That having been said Rufo is closely associated with both outfits.

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