Last week was a good week for democracy across the West. Oh, it was not a good week for “our democracy,” for the Globalist elite’s faux democracy, but for actual democracy.
First, the woke totalitarians now in charge of Ireland failed to further mangle their Constitution. Even with the backing of most parties and any number of NGOs, their referenda went down in flames. The referendum to change language on families received a 68% “NO” vote. Irish voted 74% “NO” on the referendum redefining the role of women. It was more glorious than an Irish pub fight.
The next day, in Portugal, the odious nasty oh-so-right-wing Chega Party did well in parliamentary elections.
notes the progress Chega has made:Back in 2019, Chega won 1.3 per cent of the vote. It share rose to 7.2 per cent in the 2022 elections. Now it surged ahead and almost tripled its share of the vote. It received 18 per cent of the vote and it quadrupled its representation in parliament by winning 48 seats.
The Guardian has more detail complete with Globalist shrieking that people actually voted for that “xenophobic, racist, populist” party. (If one realizes one will get Leftist tears with the news, the Guardian can be quite helpful. Hey, credit where credit is due.)
This past Super Tuesday in the Texas Republican Primary, voters were also revolting (Pun intended in case you haven’t noticed by now.). A number of Texas House RINOs involved in the absurd impeachment of Ken Paxton were defeated or forced into runoffs. Speaker Dade Phelan barely survived the night and will be fighting to survive beyond the May 28th runoff. (Note that the linked Texas Tribune is like the Guardian, both useful and comically Leftist.) Three Court of Appeals judges up for election who absurdly ruled that the Texas Attorney General has no standing to prosecute election fraud were all defeated. And there was additional carnage against establishment RINOs.
I cannot recall a Texas Republican Primary like this before. Voters were odious on non-binding propositions as well.
I pass this good news on to encourage and to confirm that we really might be at a 1989 moment as I speculated a month ago.
But we should keep striving and not get cocky. The Globalists love their ample power and will not go gracefully. And here in the U. S. we have the problem, more so than in Europe, that our elections are prone to rigging. It may take a landslide in November to overcome all the ways Democrats now rig elections — mail-in ballot harvesting, illegals voting, dead people voting, midnight counting pauses to figure out many votes need to be manufactured, social media bans and shadowbans etc. etc.
Nonetheless there are increasing reasons for us revolting people to be encouraged. Just as there are increasing reasons to be revolting.
Lead in image: Andre Dias Nobre—AFP/Getty Images
"Sire! The peasants are revolting!"
"Yes, they certainly are!"
Be a revolting peasant. :-)