Readers may have noticed this substack is not exactly a font of optimism. I do think we need to be realistic about where we are as a society and about what is being done to us.
But being realistic does not mean ignoring encouraging developments that give reasonable hope. I was cheered over the weekend by Elizabeth Nickson giving reasons for hope, 100 million reasons in her words.
Among the reasons for optimism even:
Here’s what happened in just one week.
The Canadian federal court ruled that the declaration of the Emergency Act was counter to the Constitution….There are instructions how to sue the government everywhere now. Did they freeze your account? Arrest you? The logistician Tamara Lich was arrested and held in jail without charge for months, and she is going to be rich. She started as a logistics manager for a trucking company and she may just run for Prime Minister. This is a genuine peoples’ movement.
Protests/Uprisings currently ongoing in:
Italian farmers are riding out in Italy to support farmers in Germany and France
Truckers in France dump foreign wine imports
Farmers digging up highways into Paris and spraying police with manure.
Trudeau booed outside mosque in Quebec. Chased down the road. “Shame on you”. He can’t go anywhere in public without someone shouting at him.
Twenty-two specific Articles of Impeachment filed against Fani Willis. Further, she is said to owe money to the State of Georgia. Nineteen of those charges are with regard to her attack on Trump. She is charged with launching it in order to advance her political career. The Georgia State Senate voted 30-19 to create a special committee to investigate Fani Willis. It will consist of six Republicans and three Democrats and can require testimony under oath. This case was considered the most serious against Trump….
Protestors outside Nancy Pelosi’s house tell her to go back to China.
Seventy percent of Americans support Texas erected barriers at the border.
And more, much more. Nickson’s post is a pleasant reality check for a change.
Reading her look at the big picture makes wonder if we are at a 1989 moment. As mass movements across Eastern Europe brought down Communism there, could mass movements across the West be bringing down the Neo-Liberal Globalism of the Democrats in the U. S., the Liberals in Canada, the Sunak-Cameron Wet Tories in the U. K., the EU, the WEF, etc.? Could the billions of dollars from the Soros, from the Rockefellers, from Blackrock, from Zuck, from Reid Hoffman et al not be enough to save the power of the Globalists from the righteous wrath of millions upon millions?
I think victory is possible. Yes, I of all people actually think so. But I understand if someone thinks that a pipe dream.
But who even dreamed of the peaceful collapse of Communism back in 1989? (Yes, Romania’s anti-Communist revolution wasn’t exactly peaceful. That because Ceaușescu would not go peacefully. Bad things can happen when tyrants refuse to give up power. COUGH.) I certainly did not see Communism falling in Eastern Europe and Russia in the near future and certainly not peacefully.
And what is happening now has parallels to the pattern of 1989. People have had it with the lies and tyranny and treachery of the elites. They are resisting peacefully but forcefully. And the elites are struggling to stop the peoples even though that have almost every large institution in their pocket. They are already facing defeat after defeat.
Will those defeats become a cascade that brings them down as in 1989? I do not presume to know.
But we must all be like this guy…
We must be peaceful but resolute and unyielding. We must resist Globalist tyrants, even the Fake Puppet President of the United States. For they do not deserve our respect. They deserve DEFEAT.
Let us join the brave millions across the West and make it happen. Deus vult!
The new hero.
Look at the sheer quality of that man’s coat to the T-shirt of the other. It probably cost more than that man earns in a month or two. “By their deeds you will know them.”