I have a love-hate relationship with conspiracy theories. I admit it. Some of my reasons are good and some not so good.
Not so good — I love some conspiracy theories because they are so darn fun. I call the Washington football team the Lizard People. That should tell you how much I enjoy that conspiracy theory. (Plus “Commanders” is lame.) And you just know most Flat Earthers are so to wind people up. That the flatness of the Earth is being hidden from us is so absurd, it’s fun.
Good, in a backwards way — I am among those who notice that what gets dubbed “conspiracy theory” often ends up being conspiracy fact. That COVID came out of a government funded lab in China turned out to be all too true. Replacement Theory is quickly becoming Replacement fact sadly. And so on and on.
Also good, and important — I dislike many conspiracy theories (I detest Q-Anon and Trutherism actually.) and urge people not to get into the weeds of them because they distract from what we know is true. My attitude is that what we know is true about the powers that be is bad enough. Learn about that and expose that instead of distracting and maybe discrediting yourself with conspiracy theories.
I can and probably should say more. But with the above in mind, let’s look at the important controversy of the culpability of the Harris-Biden Regime in poor response to the Hurricane Helene disaster. One theory has it that the Regime is using this to perform some Replacement or even ethnic cleansing in Appalachia. That theory is understandable as we shall see, but risks overstating the case, to say the least. Another theory is that this disaster is intentionally being used to drive those hillbillies off their land so the elites can get to the lithium deposits beneath. I do not think that true, but, more importantly, it distracts from what we know (or should know) is true with what is cynical conjecture at best.
Another theory is that Harris and the Democrats are using the disaster to suppress the mostly Republican vote in Appalachia. After 2020, I would not put this or almost anything past them. But again, it’s cynical conjecture. (Yes, I became more cynical after 2020, but anyway…)
What we know about federal response to Helene is bad enough! So let’s focus on that and get the word out about that and not get distracted. So what do we know?
The priorities of the Harris-Biden regime put illegals over citizens and DEI “equity” over competence particularly at FEMA. Yes, that is a strong statement. It is also the facts.
FEMA has spent over $600 million (and by another calculation over $1.4 billion) on assisting migrants. Put it another way, FEMA has spent hundreds of millions on enabling the Invasion rather than on relieving citizens affected by disasters. Democrats and their Fake News are doing their worst to gaslight us about that. Remember Democrats and Fake News (But I repeat myself.) lie. Ignore them.
So no wonder FEMA is now low on funds as people are in grave need after Helene and as Hurricane Milton heads toward Florida. Such is a not a bug; it’s a feature with the current government which has policies across the board of putting illegals over citizens.
Making matters even worse is that FEMA has made a priority of DEI and of “equity” in disaster assistance. That comes from their own mouths. That comes from their own website:
On January 20, 2021, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. released Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government, requiring that agencies assess equity with respect to race, ethnicity, religion, income, geography, gender identity, sexual orientation and disability.
January 20th, 2021 was the first day of the Biden-Harris Regime. So it was a top priority for them. Continuing….
We are committed to delivering better services to marginalized and other vulnerable populations. These communities face systemic barriers and are disproportionately affected by climate change.
While there is a lot of work to do to implement long term systemic change, we have taken steps and have started several initiatives to address equity in FEMA programs.
And there’s more. Go and read FEMA’s “equity” priorities for yourself if you like.
And, yes, the warped “equity” priority comes from the mouth of Kamala Harris herself (Emphasis mine):
“On the disparities issue … it is our lowest-income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues that are not of their own making. … And so, we have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity; understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity. Understanding not everyone starts out in the same place and, if we want people to be in an equal place, sometimes we have to take into account those disparities.”
Which is pretty much woke Marxism for idiots . . . like Kamala. What the DEI priority of “equity” means in practice is that lower/middle class white deplorables like those in Appalachia go the back of the line. So we can see all too well how DEI leads to DIE. It’s not quite a repeat of Ukraine 1932, but it’s an echo. You don’t have woke Marxist priorities like the Harris-Biden Regime without bad consequences, disastrous consequences it turned out.
More could be said and is being said about Harris-Biden-FEMA incompetence and warped priorities. Just don’t rely on Fake News to get that to you.
So the facts of the Harris-Biden Regime putting illegals over citizens and equity over competence at FEMA and elsewhere in the federal government are well documented. And they are bad enough . . . and disqualifying enough.
As people are already voting, let’s get the word out about what we do know and not get distracted and sidetracked by what we don’t know. Who needs conspiracy theories when the documented facts are this bad? That is certainly the case when is comes to the ongoing DIEsaster of Harris-Biden DEI disaster relief.