What an awful week this was been for the United States — the massacre of six at a Christian school by a transgender driven by hate both of self and of Christians, the bogus indictment of a former President, the first one in history, by a Soros D.A. who is soft on actual criminals, and how these outrages are even more inflaming our divisions.
To do justice to what has transpired this week would take a book — and books probably should be written in due time as this week will likely have a lasting impact on us. Nor do I want merely to repeat what others are saying. But I do think we all need to respond in one vital way.
We must open our eyes.
We must open our eyes and become more aware of woke hate. Yes, the woke crowd says they about the love of justice, and surely some of them are, although deluded in how they are going about it. But a close examination shows that wokeness is about hate, and not just the hate that radical trangenderists have with those who disagree with them. (And please note I am not talking about those trans people who through brainwashing or mental stresses are profoundly confused or troubled in dealing with their own identity and are simply trying to do the best they can while society is making things worse for them. These have my sympathy and prayers.)
Watch how the woke act toward those who disagree with them, how they act with cancelation, violence and more. Watch how they openly and avidly discriminate against and demean those who do not fit into their precious victim identities, namely against straight white men and often Jews and Asians as well.
And listen to them. Listen to their hate. Their language is intended to deceive, but it also lets their hate slip through. In the transgender version of wokeness, what do they call those who identify as their biological gender? “Cis.”
“Cis” sounds awful. That is intentional. When I first heard that smear word, not knowing what it was but having an ear for language, I thought it was meant to designate something disordered. It is a smear word and is used as such. Listen, if you can bear it, to how a rad trans tore into and threatened Andy Ngo using “cis” and other smears (which merit a language warning):
![Twitter avatar for @MrAndyNgo](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/MrAndyNgo.jpg)
![Twitter avatar for @MrAndyNgo](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_40/MrAndyNgo.jpg)
Andy Ngo’s twitter excels in documenting Woke hate, by the way.
Listen to how the woke talk about Whites and “whiteness.” If anyone talked about Blacks that way, they would be banished from decent society as haters and with good reason. Listen to how they smear those who disagree as racists, Nazis, bigots, etc. Listen to how the actual racism of discrimination against White people is advocated by them as “Anti-racism.”
Now we should not return hate with hate. But we must stop pretending that wokeness is not hate. Woke hate is a serious problem in our society with which we must deal with open eyes.
As for the Trump indictment, we must also open our eyes that the Democrat Party is not the mixed party of both good and bad actors of years gone by. They are now a party that is getting closer and closer to totalitarianism. Their drive to subsume the law under their own raw power, to pervert and weaponize the law to serve their power is profoundly un-American and the stuff of totalitarians.
It’s not for nothing that back before the 2020 election I recalled how the Communists destroyed elections and jailed political opponents in post-war Hungary. I am not a prophet or the son of a prophet, but I saw well before Election Night that Democrats were doing the same thing. By their tireless attacks on clean and fair elections and by their perversion and weaponization of the law against political opponents, they are now more akin to totalitarian parties than to the messy mixed Democrat Party of old.
Stop pretending about the Democrats! Stop pretending it is okay to support the Democrat Party any longer! Open your eyes! As
exhorts in Live Not By Lies, “See. Judge. Act.” First we have to be willing to see.Out of necessity, I have glossed over these events and our need to open our eyes to what they reveal. If you think I am omitting something important, feel free to comment. (Remember to keep your comments constructive, especially if you are not a subscriber.) But we must open our eyes. Pretending was not a viable option in Weimar Germany and in post-war Eastern Europe. It is not a viable option now.
But as important as woke hate and the increasing totalitarianism of the Democrat Party is, there is something else both difficult and important about which we must open our eyes as Palm Sunday and Holy Week is upon us — something much more important. We must open our eyes to what we did to Jesus and to what Jesus did for us. Jesus endured evil and hate more than we ever will. And He did so for us. Seeing, really seeing such deep and awe-ful things can be unpleasant; it can shake you to the core. In the traditional liturgy of Palm Sunday and Holy Week, it is jarring indeed as I wrote for Stand Firm today.
But we must open our eyes to the Truth and embrace it . . . and allow Him to embrace us.
Even during such a trying time as this, may you have a blessed Palm Sunday and Holy Week.