Apart from extreme disability (or death. You dead people reading this, stop voting Democrat!), there really is no excuse for non-felonious citizens not to vote in these mid-term elections. But people come up with lame excuses anyway. One excuse goes something like this: “Elections are rigged so what is the point of voting anyway? I’d rather protest rigged elections by not voting.”
And, yes, some elections were rigged in 2020. There is really no getting around it. Read Mollie Hemingway’s Rigged if you don’t believe me. (She should pay me for advertising as much as I recommend her book.)
But rigging elections has limits. For one thing, the more people vote against Democrats, the harder it is for Democrats to “win” with a consensus that their victory was legitimate. They have to manufacture that much more fraud to win, which makes the fraud harder to hide, and at some point much of the country considers them illegitimate . . . which is what happened after 2020. There are political costs to such perceived illegitimacy.
So do what you do with burglars — make it harder for election thieves to steal. Yeah, burglars are going to burgle, and Democrats are going to cheat. But make it harder for them. You do that in part by voting against them.
Also, you, Citizen, are responsible for your duties as a citizen. That other people are corrupt is no excuse for you to blow off voting. No telling how many horrible office holders we have because people with some common sense did not have enough common sense to go vote. I suspect that is how there are now two Leftist Senators from Georgia of all states. (Georgians, undo some of the damage by voting with Hershel Walker.)
But if you like clean elections, there is yet another reason to vote that is often overlooked. Election administration is run by the states. (Democrats don’t like that and have attempted to federalize elections so they can rig them nationwide, but so far they have failed.)
The Governor of a state can be very important in determining the running of an election. One reason the 2020 election was such a shambles in Pennsylvania is the corrupt Democrat Governor Tom Wolf arbitrarily changed election rules without the approval of the state legislature. Outrages like that can happen when Wolves are Governors. If instead Republican Doug Mastriano is elected Governor next month, that would be a huge step towards a cleaner 2024 election. Pennsylvania readers, take note!
Michigan’s 2020 election also did not pass the smell test. But now Republican Tudor Dixon has a good shot at defeating Democrat tyrant Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. In Minnesota, Democrat Gov. Evers vetoed seven bills to clean up elections. But now Republican Scott Jenson is very close to being elected Governor there. I can name other ongoing Governors’ races that could be significant in restoring clean elections. Most states elect Governors next month. So you know what to do if you want clean elections.
In most states, the Secretary of State is in charge of administrating elections. That is one reason George Soros has poured so much money into Secretary of State elections in recent years to elect Leftist Democrats. He likes elections being rigged toward Democrats. We need to be as smart as him (but not as evil) and elect Secretaries of State committed to clean well-run elections. If your state is having an election in November for Governor, there is probably also an election for Secretary of State. There are probably also elections for state legislators. As mandated by the Constitution, they write the election laws for each state.
So elect decent Republicans to these state offices, and you should get cleaner elections. There is a lot of hope that is about to happen even in a blue state or two. A likely red wave could put more Republicans in charge of elections, particularly in crucial swing states. So get out and make it happen. VOTE!