First off, I, with a great many others, are praying for Damar Hamlin. I did so several times overnight as I awoke from time to time and will do so during Morning Prayer. Please join me.
I was watching the Bills-Bengals game last night and witnessed Hamlin’s collapse. And, to be honest, when I saw the replay of him getting up from his tackle as if it were any hard hit but then falling flat on his back, I immediately remembered similar videos the past two years of healthy vaxxed athletes suddenly collapsing.
But I also remembered that hearts can stop very suddenly for any number of causes. I know that most personally. My Mama died from her heart stopping in October 1974 while recovering from back surgery. She was quite healthy and an avid ranked tennis player. The cause of death was officially unknown. Apparently her heart skipped a couple beats and just did not restart. Family thought a heart murmur she had from childhood dypyheria was probably part of the cause. But it remains a mystery.
So we should not assume anything concerning Hamlin’s collapse, and I will not do so here.
At the same time, I’ve watched the NFL for so long, I remember crying hard after the Dallas Cowboys lost their first Super Bowl. I even think I remember Mama being unhappy after the Ice Bowl game and getting tired of the TV showing Bart Starr’s winning TD over and over. I say this to point out that through all the years since, I have never seen any collapse like this from a non-head injury. (And by all appearances, Hamlin’s was a non-head injury.)
So I seriously doubt this is a football injury. If it is, it is a freakish one indeed.
A complete and timely explanation is needful. And that not just because this injury is so unusual. We have been lied to and had vital information withheld from us since 2020 about you know what. The heart side effects from the vaccines among young men have especially been hushed up. That must end in 2023. That must end now.
Particularly since the NFL pressured players to get the COVID shots, there must be complete transparency about what happened to Damar Hamlin. There is enough anger about being lied to, enough distrust in society, both justified and unjustified, without even the appearance of a cover-up on this most public incident. The aftermath of any cover up would harm more than just the NFL.
I hope my concerns here are proven to be pointless worrying. But millions upon millions, including me, are fed up with being gaslighted. Enough. NFL and medical authorities, tell us what happened to Damar Hamlin and soon. That includes whether a vaccine may have been a contributing factor. Don’t even think about covering up because you foolishly pushed COVID vaccines on healthy young men.
Don’t even think about it.