Like many of you, last night I was shocked and angered by the FBI raid of Donald Trump’s home. I guess by this point, I shouldn’t be shocked anymore by totalitarians acting like totalitarians, but I was anyway.
At some point, I may comment more on the act itself. But I think it urgent that the problem be addressed of how we relate to each other in the aftermath of the raid. So I will try do my part and quickly.
Two days ago Rod Dreher posted on this “Torn-apart Land.” Not only is it a must read, but Dreher had no idea how timely it was, coming the day before the Mar-a-Lago raid. For we are now that much more torn apart. In the 20 or so hours after the raid, I have surely blocked more people on social media than I have in any 20 day period before. My attitude is if I don’t have some sort of genuine positive connection with you already, and after last night, you are still cheerleading and carrying water for this evil regime, you are toxic, and I want nothing to do with you.
Why should I? I am certainly willing to discuss matters with people who differ, and I value Leftists who can think for themselves (an increasingly rare breed). But if you are so evil or brainwashed as to cheerlead what the FBI did and/or to laugh at those alarmed, what else are you capable of? I’d rather block you than find out.
Know that my past 20 hours is a very small sample of us becoming more torn apart by the actions of the current predatory regime. I am not certain that my defensive actions are right, and I do not have any profound advice to give except to be aware that life in this country has been altered by this evil regime. And, yes, there are many happy with that and want even more. Be careful who you trust.
But I will pound the table and repeat advice I’ve given before. I will merely cut and paste:
As Doug Wilson says, “Don’t take the bait.” Don’t be provoked into a violent or otherwise harmful response. Let the Democrats, RINOs, and the Deep State be the bad guys, not you. We must defeat them, not play into their hands.
I am tempted to put that in big block letters. But I will add that this may be a Psalm 7:14-16 moment:
Behold, the wicked man conceives evil
and is pregnant with mischief
and gives birth to lies.
He makes a pit, digging it out,
and falls into the hole that he has made.
His mischief returns upon his own head,
and on his own skull his violence descends.
If the predatory totalitarians want to expose themselves as predatory totalitarians, so be it. Don’t you be the stupid man who self-owns himself with violence. That’s how the totalitarians want us to act. DON’T TAKE THE BAIT! Again, let them be the bad guys.
See, I used block letters after all.
Again, sorry this is not very profound. In addition to being stressed, I am busy. I hope to do better soon.