Some readers may think me a bit overwrought when I write of the West’s descent into totalitarianism. My attitude is if people talk like totalitarians and act like totalitarians, then they are probably totalitarians.
For example, listen to the following phone conversation between a parent and a “Christian” school in the U. K. (And thanks to
for bringing this to my attention. Do go read her take on this.)So the child was asked by a teacher her opinion on an issue for which there is only one permissible opinion according to the woke totalitarians. The child was obligated to respond. When she responded with an opinion that was wrongthink, she was removed from the classroom and punished.
The mother asked if they did not want her child’s opinion, why did they ask for it? Good question! Well maybe they did want to hear the child’s opinion . . . so they could punish it. In any case, wrongthink is not allowed.
And the “Inclusion Room” of this “Christian” school is a typical totalitarian euphemism for their oppression. One wonders if those who so named this punishment are so indoctrinated that they have no idea how creepy it sounds. Or perhaps the ridiculous name is an intended part of ritual humiliation.
Oh, and church institutions being co-opted to enforce wokeness is also typical of totalitarians. They insist on controlling churches and using them to spout the party line — which is one reason I push back hard against woke churchers.
Remember that authoritarians and garden variety tyrants want power. Totalitarians want everything. Totalitarians want to control everything, including your thoughts and your speech. It’s been said authoritarians want to own the government; totalitarians want to own your soul. Hence they always seek to co-opt churches and church institutions. And they have had remarkable success doing so in recent years in the West with Regime Evangelicals and woke churchers happily cooperating.
This is just one instance of totalitarians in action in the West. I could post multiple times a day on totalitarians in action if I so desired. For starters, any number of people have had to go through “diversity training” re-education to keep their jobs or have lost their jobs for wrongthink or for just being in the wrong class (straight white males, of course). You probably have noticed many such incidents as well. This is how totalitarians act. This is what they do.
Perhaps a reader still thinks I am an alarmist. To which I would say, we need to be alerted, we need people to sound the alarm, when there is immanent danger. It’s a public service I and others perform. You’re welcome.
I would also say, “Open your eyes.”
"Here at the Wren Acadamy, our Ministry of Exclusion has many tools at its disposal. But of these, perhaps the most painful and effective is the Inclusion Room."