Thanks all for your patience with me. I was gone off into the Texas Hill Country to view THE Eclipse and host a good number of friends in so doing. It was an excellent time. I also enjoyed visiting St. Joseph Anglican in New Braunfels on the way. Again, I highly recommend that parish, especially if you want to revive Christian culture and celebrate the Church Year.
Now I know by this time you are tired of THE Eclipse. It reminds me of when the hype over Comet Kohoutek — which turned out to be a dud — reminded us all that comet rhymes with vomit. But THE Eclipse was no dud unless one expected The End, so hang with me here.
In spite of my slightly advanced age, this was my first total solar eclipse. Now I was well aware of eclipse phenomena, but it was still better than I expected, much better. First, it was iffy whether we would see it at all as it had been a cloudy morning. But there was suddenly a big clearing at my Vanderpool location as it neared totality. Just thin high clouds remained which enhanced the view if anything.
When totality began, it seemed to the naked eye (No, I did not look directly, but it was hard to miss.) that the sun was quickly shrinking to nothing. I did not expect that sensation. And I immediately understood why primitives found total eclipses so alarming. I also did not expect it to get as dark as it did. Of course, I knew it would get darker, but not that dark. That Vanderpool was right on the center line of totality helped. I also did not expect to see clearly an orange solar flare without any visual aids. I knew flares sometimes become visible during eclipses, but I still did not expect that.
It was amazing. I am so glad and thankful that I went and had friends with me to enjoy it.
But something unexpected happened before THE Eclipse. I have studied end times prognostications for years as I hope to write a related book before the Lord returns. But all the godly Prophetic Teaching before THE Eclipse with Ninevahs and earthquakes and more gave me such insight — a Word of Knowledge from the Lord no doubt — that I invented an Infallible Law for such occasions.
Brace yourself for brilliance. Here it is:
Interesting random coincidences + Bible verses ripped out of context = Silly apocalyptic fun!
Call it Marshall’s Law of Apocalyptic Silliness if you like.
And have we not seen this Law demonstrated again and again in our times and in history?
Oh, there is another less important Law. I cannot take credit for it but I will steal it anyway:
Total Eclipses over the United States are MUCH more important in End Times chronology than those over less important lands.
But that goes without saying, does it not?
Anyway, The End did not happen, at least not yet. So I have to catch up on some things. But I hope you find Marshall’s Law of Apocalyptic Silliness helpful. I encourage you to keep it in mind. The Lord encouraged us to be aware of the times. But he did not command us to be silly.
I would encourage certain Christian brothers, most of whom do not read this substack, to keep it mind also . . . but life would be less fun if they did. So let’s love them and enjoy them. And now that The End is delayed a bit, keep rejoicing this Easter season and have a good day.