Love or hate Doug Wilson, his analysis of the Trucker Freedom Convoy in Canada and of Trudeau’s crackdown on it is right on target. (The video version of Wilson’s post may be found here.)
Wilson begins, “I don’t care who you are, having an elderly woman trampled by your cops on horseback is a bad look.” And that sums up well that Trudeau is the big loser in this episode. His crackdown, which involved much more even than trampling grandma, revealed that he isn’t just a pretty boy, but a pretty boy tyrannical thug. Now all with eyes to see can see it.
(I say “with eyes to see” because there is an alarming poll out. In it an overwhelming majority of American independents and Republicans disapprove of Trudeau’s actions, but 65% of Democrats approve of what Trudeau did. That indicates that the totalitarian streak among Democrats is worse than even I imagined. It is so appalling that I have some hope that this poll is an outlier.)
Trudeau lost because the Convoy protesters were peaceful, even downright joyous. They let Trudeau and his thugs become the bad guys. The result is that in the short term at least, the protesters lost; they lost a lot, trucks, bank accounts, and more, and they deserve our thanks and our help. But in the long run, Trudeau is the big loser, and I suspect this is the beginning of the end of his tyrannical rule.
Wilson notes this paradoxical victory and once again emphasizes the importance of “don’t take the bait.” It is right to be angry at tyrants, but it is foolish to let that anger become violent. Then you become the bad guys, and that plays right into tyrants’ hands. A tactic of long standing of the Left is to provoke an ugly response. Don’t let them succeed. “Don’t take the bait.” You let them be the bad guys instead.
This is one reason January 6th was a failure. The cause of verifying accurately the 2020 election was right and just. Tens of thousands “peacefully and patriotically” demanding accurate counts, as President Trump urged that day, would have been a good look and progress even if Biden still managed to keep his win. But when a minority of the protesters became violent, that played right into the hands of Democrats and RINOs and gravely hurt the cause of insisting on clean elections.
There is a trucker convoy forming now in the U. S. I hope it succeeds in protesting the tyranny of the Biden regime, and if it comes my way, I might be out there waving my flag. But to succeed, it must be PEACEFUL.
If there are any hot-heads reading this, trust that I fully understand your anger against Biden, the Democrats, and their RINO enablers as well. But follow Doug Wilson’s advice. He is as odiously conservative as anybody and probably more so than me. Yet he has said time and again, “Don’t take the bait.” And the Canadian Freedom Convoy and January 6th and any number of events have proven that advice wise and right.
The tyrants WANT you to make an ass of yourself. So “don’t take the bait.” Keep your resistance and protest peaceful. Please. Our future as a country may depend on that more than you know.