So Big Eva & Woke Church, do you really oppose “systemic injustice”?
The Twitter Files are giving you a chance to prove it.
For years highly platformed leaders of Big Evangelicalism and the Woke Church have decried “systemic injustice” against people of color and “sexual minorities.” The thing is they have gotten it backwards about who is discriminated against.
Oh, yes, there is no question that decades ago, in the mid-twentieth century and before, there was a lot of the systemic injustice the woke tells us about. But acknowledging that our society has mostly outgrown that would not be good for the woke business nor for motivating people to vote for Leftists. So they say racism never goes away, that different results equals racism and other banalities, backed up by grievance studies PhDs, of course.
And it really would not be good for the woke business/grift to concede that, if you really want to see real current systemic injustice along racial/gender/orientation lines, it has shifted in the other direction. For any number of corporate or government jobs and contracts, being a white heterosexual male puts you at the back on the line. Good luck being a young but pasty conservative male and succeeding in academia. Even in international prisoner swaps, being a white straight male Marine puts you way behind a woke black lesbian WNBA pothead.
But the Big Eva/woke “systemic injustice” cabal does not say a peep about those inequities . . . except to cheerlead them. One of their favorites, that great “anti-racist” racist Ibram X. Kendi even openly advocates discrimination against white people.
Someone needs to tell these people that Jesus don’t like hypocrites.
But lucky for them, they now have a new opportunity to prove they are not utter and total grifting phonies. Elon Musk, with the assistance of real journalists, is in the midst of releasing the Twitter Files. They are way too much to summarize here, and more is coming. But it already clear that federal agencies, including the FBI and DHS, were conspiring with pre-Musk Twitter to suppress free speech even in the midst of election campaigns. Federal agencies and Big Social Media were thereby engaged in blatant election interference. Musk has stated this includes shadowbanning political candidates. This in addition to the election rigging already revealed by Mollie Hemingway among many others.
The Federal Government and Big Social Media conspiring to suppress free speech and rig elections — that is systemic injustice, to put it mildly. One could say, being the alliance of government and big business to control society by rigging elections and suppressing rights, it is actual fascism, which the woke crowd so despises, don’tcha know.
So I’m sure those who have used churches to attack “systemic injustice” will attack this grave systemic injustice against our basic Constitutional rights of free speech and free elections. Surely they will. And surely BigEva are not the “Regime Evangelicals” uncouth people accuse them of being. Surely they are not hypocrites willfully enabling a tyrannical political agenda.
Yet so far I have not heard much from Big Eva/Woke churches on the subject — except for downplaying and spinning the Twitter revelations as David French has, of course. But give them time; they will get around to it. Surely they will.
But maybe one should be advised against holding one’s breath in anticipation. Just to be safe.
However, if — as only the very cynical would expect (Shame on you!) as it is so unlikely — our Big Eva/Woke friends fail to speak out against the attacks on free speech and on free and fair elections and thereby prove not to be as opposed to systemic injustice as they claim to be, we should then forgive those who might think they really do not care about systemic injustice. That they actually want systemic injustice that favors them and their tyrannical agenda, an agenda that includes attacks on free speech, freedom of religion, and free and fair elections, and thereby borders on totalitarianism. That like all good totalitarians, they hijack churches to further their unjust tyrannical agenda. And that there are enough cowards and grifting imposters in Big Evangelicalism to make the hijacking easy. One might then think that about BigEva and the Woke Church with reason and some cynicism.
But I would never say that myself.