I am struggling with using polite words this morning. So I will be brief and to the point. Pope Francis gave an audience to a delegation that included Alex Soros, son of George Soros. There he is on the right. (And, yeah, meeting with that other guy isn’t good either.)
Face it. Francis is in league with evil. He isn’t even bothering to hide it now.
I once thought Cranmer and the rest of the Reformers were overwrought when they denounced the Pope as Antichrist. I especially thought that under Pope Benedict, whom I loved.
But now I think the Reformers were prophetic. I can now shout as Cranmer shouted in the Oxford University Church of St. Mary the Virgin on the day of his execution by burning:
As for the Pope, I refuse him as Christ’s enemy and Antichrist, with all his false doctrine.
I will take a breath and clarify that I doubt Francis is the Antichrist. But there are two traditions of Antichrist in historic church teaching. One has Antichrist as a specific person. The other has Antichrist as an evil spiritual force at work through the centuries. A number of church teachers have held to both as I more or less do.
So is Francis a part of that second definition of Antichrist? I have no doubt about it and am even more sure of it now. And he is well on the way to turning the Church of Rome into the Whore of Babylon.
I used to think the Reformers were overwrought about that, too. Well, if you like, consider me overwrought with them.
I pray for faithful Roman Catholics almost every day and want the best for them. And I thought Rome was going in a good direction under John Paul II and Benedict. But it is quite obvious the direction the Church of Rome is going now, thanks to Antichrist Pope Francis.
Thanks (I guess) to
for bringing this meeting to my attention.
Thanks for the update, frightening as it is.