Look, as I’ve said, the main political task now is to defeat the Democrats. For far more than policy differences are at stake in this and the 2024 elections. Our freedoms, even our existence in a civil society are on the ballot. And it’s too late this year to deal with the RINOs anyway. Besides several have been dealt with well already, including Liz Cheney.
Speaking of which, Liz the RINO has openly said she intends to “do everything I can” to support Democrats, particularly the Democrat opponent of the excellent Republican nominee for Governor of Arizona, Kari Lake.
Again, for the next six weeks, we have to focus on defeating Democrats. But Cheney has crossed some lines. So allow me for a moment to give a little color why I and others find RINOs like Cheney so infuriating.
Back when I was active in the Republican Party, us conservative members were constantly told to “support the ticket” when there were “moderate” Republican nominees we did not like. And that is what us conservatives did. I personally supported both Bushes. And I was a fan of Dick Cheney, too, and more. Yes, foolish in hindsight, but I was loyal to the Bushes and the Cheneys and worked to get them elected.
But now that the shoe is on the other foot, look how that loyalty is rewarded. The Bushes — the Bushes whom I and most other conservatives supported even as they frustrated us time and again — the Bushes let it be known that they voted for Biden. For BIDEN. And both daddy and daughter Cheney are stabbing Trump Republicans in the back every chance they get.
So the very same cabal who told us to “support the ticket” now do the very opposite to undermine our candidates. This is treacherous. And I think you can see how infuriating it is to people like me.
Again, the political focus for the next six weeks has to be defeating Democrats. But I wanted to give some personal color on why conservatives find the likes of Liz so infuriating. And as soon as this election is over, we have to work to defeat back-stabbing RINOs, too, and expel them from the GOP while we’re at it. They should not be allowed to use the Republican label to stab real Republicans in the back. (Looking at you, Lincoln Project.) Treacherous Republicans in Name Only do far more harm to the GOP and, more importantly, to the USA than good.
Rant over. Back to defeating Democrats.