Mark Marshall
Mark Marshall Podcast
Nehemiah on dealing with grifters

Nehemiah on dealing with grifters

When things get real, you find out which friends are real . . . or not.

Nehemiah and cohorts are building the walls of Jerusalem, but in addition to opposition from without, there is a problem within — grifters. Sound familiar?

I look at Nehemiah chapter 5 and try not to spontaneously combust.

Anne Kennedy dealt with that Christianity Today article about ACNA more calmly than I did…

Demotivations With Anne
Too Hot To Handle
Yesterday I remarked on one outward and visible manifestation of how the Christian Thought-Leaders of today are not leading very many sheep anywhere in particular, but seem stricken with a desire not even to be associated with sheep at all, but rather to write National Review articles explaining that it’s actually possible to pull yourself up by your bo…
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as did the latest Stand Firm podcast.

Jon Harris was also calm about reviewing Russell Moore’s poison pen book.

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Mark Marshall
Mark Marshall Podcast
History, Anglicanism, and other depressing subjects