There are two kinds of people that have amazed me since childhood, thieves and habitual liars. I just don’t get them and never have. Today let’s focus on liars, particularly the lying woman who features in this X thread. Oh, she is amazing. I know you are eager to read my brilliant thoughts but go watch the four part thread first.
Go ahead. Watch it.
I told you she is amazing. If you did not know that she was the one who committed the assault and not the man she falsely accused, you would think she was being horribly victimized. Wow, does she play the victim! I bet her kid that told the truth is fed up with her act, too, but keeps it a secret for his own preservation.
I dare anyone to watch that and still lecture us with “Believe all women!” or even “Believe women.” Of course, we shouldn’t necessarily believe men either. As the Psalmist said in haste or alarm or both, “All men are liars.” (Ps. 116:11)
Now maybe the Psalmist overstated matters. At least one Man has never lied. But I think a more common error is to underestimate the capability of liars to lie and even to compound the lie by playing the victim when caught.
By the way, is that not the way the woke operate? How that woman acted is textbook “crybullying”, a term inspired by the woke tactic of victimizing others by loudly playing the victim. Cancelling the non-woke, false accusations of various sorts, and holding people hostage by blocking highways are among the examples.
Now, two applications of this unpleasant reality.
First, MeToo, ChurchToo, and ACNAToo are not to be heeded. Of course, we should take all reasonable precautions to prevent and punish sexual assault, especially against children and women in vulnerable situations. But the various Too groups lack concern for those falsely accused and completely underestimate the danger and the capability of liars to lie. Many in the Too groups mean well, but much of their “trauma-informed” advocacy enables false accusations. And, yes, as the opening X thread illustrates (although it was not a sexual situation), there are people who will falsely accuse and play the traumatized victim quite convincingly. More people than one might think.
We should do our best to protect the falsely accused as we do our best to protect those targeted by sexual predators. Doing only one of those as the Too groups advocate ruins lives. We must do both.
Second, there is a category of liars we especially need to guard against at this time — Democrats. Now hold on. Don’t write me off as overly partisan just yet. Be honest — don’t Democrat politicians and activists act like the above woman? They falsely accuse their opposition of what themselves are doing and then loudly carry on and play the victim.
There are numerous examples of this at the current Democrat National Convention, but one stands out. A speaker who licked her lips like a lizard (COULD IT BE?!?) said Trump would “weaponize the Department of Justice to go after his political opponents [and] turn the FBI into his own personal police force.”
Excuse me. Is that not what the Biden-Harris Regime is doing in trying to get Trump? This is classic projection, accusing opponents of what you yourself are doing to the opponents!
And what of the constant theme that Democrats are trying to “defend democracy” from the Orange Man? Again, it is the Democrats who did and are doing their worst to rig elections with mail-in ballots, drop-in ballot boxes out in the streets for weeks, opposing voter ID, opposing proof of citizenship to register, creative counting overnight and even for days to make sure “every [fraudulent] vote is counted” and to make sure those add up to a Democrat “victory”, and on and on. Not to mention the attacks on free speech and the lawfare against political opponents and more. The people would brought us 2020 and the awful years since are “defending our democracy”? Really?
It is every bit as brazen as that woman who committed assault and then falsely accused the man of assault. Democrats rig and subvert democracy and then accuse the Bad Orange Man of subverting democracy.
Don’t be fooled. Do what those smart police did: gather the facts, expose the liars, and then put the lying crybullies in their place, in this case via a landslide election defeat. Please. We cannot afford to allow the Democrats to get away with their lying crybully act yet again.
.... we never ask liars, thieves and murderers why they are liars, thieves and murderers... because they will never admit they've done anything wrong. "When stupidity is considered Patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent." [Isaac Asimov] We need to hang evil people instead of rewarding them. In order to show the rest that there are consequences for being a lying traitor.
Here is the latest lie. Turns out the Biden Administration overcounted the amount of new jobs “created” over the last 3 years by over 800k.