With not a little amusement, it is being noticed that the Biden Administration and allies are preparing us for a negative GDP number this Thursday. Now a negative GDP this quarter would make two consecutive quarters with GDP shrinkage, and as long as I can remember, that has been the accepted definition of a recession.
But as famines were not allowed in Communist Russia or in Mao’s China even when, no, especially when millions were dying of starvation — It’s a Record Harvest thanks to Our Dear Leader, and don’t you forget it! — so recessions are not allowed in election years under the Biden Regime, not even transitory ones. (How are you enjoying all this “transitory” inflation?)
So Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Steve Liesman of CNBC and other Democrat stooges are already busy convincing us not to believe our lying eyes or even GDP numbers. We are not in a recession, and don’t you forget it!
Of course, this entails redefining a recession from the old White two negative GDP quarters definition. Perhaps it will now become official that a recession is any economy under a Republican president in an election year.
This is not unlike other helpful lies, I mean, redefinitions from the Left. When real racism against people of color became less and less of a reality, the race hustlers had to keep up their hustle for JUSTICE! So they redefined racism to mean anything the Left doesn’t like. When real white supremacists became so few, you had to travel up to the mountains of Idaho to find a pitiful meeting of them (well, them and FBI and ATF informants), once they were more to be laughed at than feared, then the Left redefined White Supremacy to mean anything the Left doesn’t like.
See how that works?
And why bother with clean elections when you can redefine a “legitimate election” to one that Democrats win? Never mind White Supremacist election laws. (See? I’m learning already.)
Why lie when you can redefine?
Enjoy the transitory NON-recession.