France has just been had by an act of political treachery that may do great harm to the country for decades if not beyond.
President Emmanuel Macron has long sold himself and his Renaissance Party as the sensible center between the Leftist Parties and that awful almost Nazi Marine Le Pen. (She is nothing of the sort, but continuing…) French were growing weary of his supposed centrism, particularly his willful failure as a good Globalist to do anything about the “migration” invasion, Islamism, and the accompanying crime.
Sound familiar?
So his party got his comeuppance in the European elections earlier this summer. The one major party willing to stop the invasion and defend French culture, Le Pen’s National Rally, won resoundingly while Marcon’s party was humiliated not only by her but by Leftist parties also. As I wrote in my last post:
…Allowing your country and culture to be destroyed just a little slower than the other guys would is not a winning campaign platform. Neither is being slow and timid and “moderate” about doing what should be done.
After his setback, Macron should have listened to the voters and to common sense and finally decided to do something to stop the invasion and evict at least some of the invaders. That would have been both good policy and good politics, reducing the grievances of potential National Rally voters. Instead, he gambled by calling a snap National Assembly election.
Without digging into the details, the French do their national elections in two rounds, with the second round being a runoff between the leading candidates. The first round did not go well for Macron. His party was third behind the Leftist parties and National Rally.
It was at that point where Macron let his facade of centrism drop. The remaining parties in the runoff were National Rally, Macron’s Renaissance, and the hard Left “New Popular Front” led by Jean-Luc Melenchon. This man and his Leftist coalition is an extremist menace. Don’t take my word for it.
summarizes these cretins and the overall French political situation well. Note their “dignified welcome” platform on immigration. It would make it easier for migrants to come right on in, offer them a ten year stay as a matter of course, repeal laws on expelling illegal immigrants convicted of crimes, and more. Other parts of their platform are every bit as insane.National Rally, on the other hand, is hardly the extremist “far right” party the BBC sells it as. I might have been decades ago. But Marine Le Pen years ago cleaned the loons, the semi-fascists and the anti-semites out, even expelling her own father who once led the party. Today’s National Rally is mainly common sense, particularly on immigration, Islamism, and culture.
Yet Macron cut a deal with the real extremists, the hard Left. Macron withdrew his weaker candidates from the second round and the Popular Front did likewise. Macron would rather the hard Left win than National Rally. The result was a rigged election in which National Rally got the most votes by far but got cheated when it came to National Assembly seats.
The National Rally coalition scored 37.1% of the popular vote, but only got 142 seats in the assembly.
Macronites got 25.43% of the popular vote, but got 159 seats.
The New Popular Front got 25.8% of the popular vote yet got 180 seats.
Leaving aside the harm this sham election does, Macron showed that his centrism is a sham. Presented with the hard Left and the common sense Right, he choose hard Left.
This is all too typical not only of “Centrists” but of faux “conservatives” as well. Just as Marine Le Pen exposed the treachery of Macron, Donald Trump has exposed the treachery of Mitt Romney, David French, Bill Kristol, George Will, Mona Charen, the Bushes, etc. etc.
The Bushes and many of their supporters stand out in their fake-centrist, faux conservative treachery. Back when I was a Texas Republican Precinct Chairman, I don’t know how many times these establishment types lectured us actual conservatives to “support the ticket,” to support the whole Republican ticket for the sake of party unity and victory. Yet what did some of these same people do when a presidential candidate came along who would actually keep his promises to Americans and fight for what is right? What did they do when Donald Trump came along? They refused to support Trump. They became Never Trumpers. “Support the ticket for thee, not for me.”
The Bushes, of course, were the worst offenders. They let it be known that they were supporting Biden over Trump. I used to support the Bushes. I was fooled, and I was betrayed.
Well, I may be slow but I’ve learned my lesson. Scratch a “Centrist” and, more often than not, you get a Leftist.
Yes, I used to trust the likes of the Bushes and the Romneys but no more. Don’t learn the hard way like I have. Take it from me and from what the Bushes and Macron and Romney and more have done — don’t trust politicians posturing as Centrists. When forced to take a side, they will side with the Left just about every time — and often when they are not forced. The same goes for many “conservatives” as well.
Do not trust “Centrists.” And beware of faux conservatives, too.