This will be short and to the point. And, no, I am not going to go on a 2nd Amendment tirade although one is certainly justified. I want to alert you to a development that will significantly shift the election. Or at least I am convinced it will.
The development is this video coming out. Sorry I cannot embed here because it is at X and because I am having trouble finding it at youtube and elsewhere, at least at this point. (Thank God for Elon and X!) If this video does not turn out to be as election moving as I think it will probably because it will be suppressed and censored.
Yes, the video is fuzzy. And when I first saw it, I doubted it was for real. But I looked around and verified it twice over, in this article and by listening to the press conference the article links. So it is for real.
And the video documents Kamala Harris, then San Francisco District Attorney, saying the following:
We're going to require responsible behaviors among everybody in the community, and just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.
You can imagine what I think about that statement. But, again, I am posting to note and alert that this could and probably will be YUGE as Trump would say. Gun owners are important voters, particularly in the swing states. And this will move those on the fence and those otherwise not very motivated to vote.
My UK friends and a few others might not be able to understand this. But threatening to go door to door “to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs” particularly when it comes to gun ownership — that is political suicide in the United States outside of San Francisco, where the press conference took place.
This may be the undoing of Kamala’s presidential campaign.
No government official, or anyone else for that matter, is going to safely violate the sanctity of my home to “check” to see if I am “ being responsible in how I conduct my affairs” !!
I repeat, no one will safely breach my door without probable cause and a warrant signed by a judge and that judge had better make sure he has made a decision that is strictly in harmony with our constitution and laws!
We, the people, have not consented, and will not consent, to be governed in this manner. I oppose communist tyranny with every fiber of my being!
I am definitely voting for Trump!
Sadly, I believe there are people who would support this.