I wasn’t going to post today. But after reading Rod Dreher’s harrowing post on brazen anti-semitism in America and the West, I had to.
This above photo of a vandalism attack on a Jewish home particularly shook me.
The Hamas Nazis aren’t happy with vandalizing monuments, threatening Jews in the street and more. Now they are going after homes. My immediate reaction was this is just like what the German Nazis did. But then I tired to think of a time when the Nazis attacked and vandalized homes like this. I could think of none. Of course, they vandalized and destroyed businesses and synagogues as in Kristallnacht, but homes? Those who know, let me know in the comments — did the Nazis vandalize homes? (Yes, they did steal many homes from Jews, particularly the ones sent to the death camps, which is far worse. So usually they skipped vandalizing them. UPDATE: I’ve been informed that “Juden” was written on homes as well as businesses.)
Dreher also brought my attention to these brazen attacks and threats in the streets. Police do nothing.
And, please, do not have the attitude of “these are just attacks on the Jews.” First, isn’t that attitude a bit anti-semitic? Second, it is far from only Jews under attack. Remember when the Hamas Nazis allowed only “allies” into libraries and other areas of U. S. campuses? Remember the numerous times the “Free Palestine” cretins have held people hostage by blocking major roads and highways? If you are not an ally of the Woke/Hamas Nazis, you are a target, too.
So wake up and see what time it is! (And if you have a problem with me calling them Hamas/Woke Nazis, then you clearly don’t know what time it is.) Every day the woke and pro-Hamas Brown Shirts commit any number of crimes against any number of people and attack our societies as well. And most authorities do next to nothing. Oh, put a skid mark on a Pride crosswalk or pray at an abortion clinic, and the Regime authorities go after you and even imprison you. But vandalize monuments, threaten and attack Jews, hold drivers hostage and more? Just a slap on the wrist and usually not even that.
The vandals, arsonists and murderers of Kristallnacht and the Nazi regime were in league. The Hamas Nazis and Woke and the current Globalist regimes are in league. Look and see what time it is!
As Ecclesiastes taught, knowing the time is vital in knowing what to do. (Eccles. 3:1-8) So what to do? First, expose the anti-semitism and related evils. Most people, at least in the U. S., do not know how bad it has gotten. And the “news” media is hiding much of what is happening. I did not know of the two series of attacks mentioned above until I read Rod Dreher’s post today — and I keep up with current events more than the average guy. So take the effort to find alternative sources of news and become informed of what the Woke and Hamas Nazis are doing. (On X, the Stop Antisemitism account is among the must follows.) Then do your part to let others know.
Also remind people of who has imported and enabled the antisemites. Remind them of how the current regimes have let millions of virulent antisemite “migrants” right on in and indoctrinated those already here into the woke bigotry of Critical Theory.
As for what to do beyond informing oneself and others, it gets complicated. Again, it’s important to know what time it is. This is a year in which there are many elections across the West. The Globalists’ hold on power is threatened, and they know it. We should do what we can to replace the Globalist regimes in league with the Hamas/Woke criminals with governments that will stop them, pursue justice against them, and deport as many of them as possible.
Therefore, we must let them be the bad guys in the public eye. Expose them. But take pains to avoid becoming the perceived bad guys yourselves. Chiefly that means keeping our opposition to them as non-violent as possible. Especially because the fake news media will exaggerate, omit, and lie to make any violent opposition look as bad as they can. Heck, they are not beneath inventing violence for their agenda; so as much as you can, avoid even the appearance of violence. (1 Thess 5:22)
Now I am no pacifist. I definitely believe in the right to defend oneself, one’s neighbors and one’s country. So I am not going to say violence is never justified against the likes of the Hamas/Woke Nazis. But look at the time. It is time to win these elections and defeat the regimes who import, indoctrinate and enable these Nazis. So at this time, it is especially important to let them be the bad guys, not to become the perceived bad guys.
To give one example, let’s say that, God forbid, you are on the wrong highway at the wrong time and find yourself held hostage by a “Free Palestine” roadblock. Do you have the right to free yourself by whatever means necessary? I think so. Is it wise to therefore use whatever means necessary? If those means are violent, then no. Be patient — yes, easier said than done — and as you wait for the road to clear, document and expose what they are doing to you and others. They are being bad guys in a way that enrages normals to oppose them and those in league with them, particularly the authorities that do next to nothing about them or even protect them. So let them and the allied regimes be the bad guys, not you. (Not to mention avoid a world of legal trouble in most jurisdictions.)
For the sake of our societies and neighbors, particularly our Jewish neighbors but not only them, we must stop the Hamas/Woke Nazis. The best and most peaceful way to do that now is to win these elections in the U. S. and across the West. Know what time it is and give of your time and effort — and self-restraint as well. It’s important.
On a happier note, I finally managed to upload a homily I gave on King Henry VI and his good example on the anniversary of his death this past May 21st.
Good King Henry illustrates that faithfulness is more important than success. To apply that to the above, we have no guarantee of success this year in replacing the regimes in league with the Hamas/Woke Nazis. But we owe it to God and neighbor to be faithful in striving so to do.