Jeff Walton Looks at Liberation Theology in ACNA
I am pleased that, prompted in part by my recent post on the subject at Stand Firm, Jeff Walton has written a more thorough and very fair article on the promotion of Liberation Theology by the ACNA Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others (C4SO).
This is a serious matter dealing with the Gospel itself that must not be ignored by us in ACNA. It is good that Walton is shining more light on this. And I agree with Matt Kennedy that this situation calls for church discipline. Personally I have fled and avoided churches that push this and similar distortions and falsifications of the Gospel. I am not about to tolerate it in my current church, even if my diocese is not at all hospitable to such.
Well, I am about to rant. So I will stop and urge you to read Walton’s article instead.