Hillary, COVID Vax Mandate Denial, AntiSemitism, and Totalitarianism
Totalitarians are going to totalitarian.
Today’s post is admittedly very wide ranging and barely covers big topics lightly. But over the weekend it occurred to me that totalitarians are showing their true colors even more so than usual. We need to notice and remember. So . . .
Hillary goes there and supports re-education for Trump supporters.
She really did “go Full Stalin.” In her words:
So many of those extremists, those MAGA extremists take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure. He’s only in it for himself. He’s now defending himself in civil actions and criminal actions. And when do they break with him? Because at some point, you know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members, but something needs to happen.
What can I add to that? I will say Hillary is as mainstream establishment Democrat as they come. And when Democrats show you how totalitarian their intents are, believe them!
asks, “Have they gone mad?”My answer is no, they have gone totalitarian.
COVID Vax Mandate Denial
Congressman Kevin Kiley notes, “The Biden Administration is rewriting the history of COVID.” Biden Regime officials are flat out lying before Congress and denying they required vax mandates for people to keep their jobs, not to mention mask requirements, etc.
David Parker, is the head of the “OSHA” agency, which formally enacted Biden’s vaccine mandate in November of 2021. Yet Parker testified: “we didn’t demand anyone be fired.”
This follows HHS Secretary Becerra saying with a straight face that “we didn’t force anyone to do anything” despite enforcing a toddler mask mandate. It follows Education Secretary Cardona’s straight-up lying about his past support for child vaccine mandates.
Yes, it was that brazen. Here’s the video.
Well Becerra was truthful on one point: “We don’t have the jurisdiction or authority to do that.”
Yeah, but they did it anyway. The Rule of Law is a trivial thing to totalitarians like him.
Such Orwellian attempts to pretend COVID vax mandates didn’t happen are not just a Biden Regime thing. The memory-holing, the COVID fascism denial, is international. Even officials from hotbeds of COVID fascism, New Zealand and Australia, are pretending they didn’t require vaccinations and virtually imprison their countries. Matt Taibbi focused on that Friday.
I heartily recommend that episode. I appreciate he and Walter Kirn examining the power behind establishment lies and memory holing. The tireless efforts from the globalist establishment to make us forget their crimes makes it that more important that we remember and pass on memory. It reminded me of
writing on the importance of memory in his Live Not By Lies.But to remember and hold on to truth in the face of perpetual institutional lying takes persistence. It takes endurance. It takes mental strength. For the Christian, it takes spiritual strength. More so to educate others on the truth when we are surrounded by platformed perpetual lies. As Taibbi and Kirn note, Orwell’s 1984 was a warning on how difficult it can be to persist against totalitarian lies and memory holing.
May God grant us the courage and strength to do so!
Their AntiSemitism is showing . . .
At this point, I stray from my topic slightly. For one does not have to be a totalitarian to be an antisemite. But through history and today, one would be hard pressed to find totalitarian movements that did not include toxic doses of antisemitism.
Everyone knows the Nazis were ruthlessly antisemitic. But how many remember that the old Communist Soviet Union was antisemitic? They were not as genocidal against Jews as the Nazis, but many Jews fled the Soviet Union and for good reason.
Today, I encourage you to observe those marching and celebrating in the streets in favor of Hamas. I think you will find most of them are either fundamentalist Muslim, which is akin to totalitarian, or Marxist.
I will go there and say Satan hates the Jews — well, the Evil One hates everybody, but he especially hates the Jews. And he inspires antisemitism from just about every variety of totalitarianism among other evil ideologies.
That’s my theory anyway. Look and see if I am right as usual.
These are Satanic forces attacking Israel. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” (Psalm 122:6)
And pray for the strength and wisdom to oppose antisemitism and totalitarianism in all their forms.