I was intending to have some fun and laugh the woke church to scorn with the Sparkle Creed that went viral last week. Tuesday, I tweeted on that enormity with the observation “Whom God destroys He first makes silly.” But expanding on that now would be laughing past a burning graveyard in light of events in France.
So this will be a hard and unpleasant post on some hard lessons from events in France and now neighboring countries. Trust that I have wrestled with this post and am exercising restraint. No, I will not force you to read, but you probably should anyway.
First, an easy hard lesson. Can we agree that multiculturalism has been throughly demonstrated to be false? Can we bury it for good? I know you don’t hear the word “multiculturalism” much anymore. Probably because it already has a reputation for foolishness. So the “justice” cabal has moved on to buzzwords like “diversity” and “inclusion.” But the idea that no culture, especially from the West, is superior to others is now even more debunked. I am not a fan of the native French — the French Revolution and all that — but you don’t see native French going to other countries and burning them as migrants and their children are doing to Europe. Some cultures are not as bad as others.
Yes, I said that. Multiculturalism is sentimental, disproven and dangerous. Those who push that hokum should not be listened to in education, in government or in the church.
Here I should say opposition to multiculturalism should have nothing to do with race or skin color. Say, Christian Nigerians are usually great assets to a society with their excellent values. Somali Muslims generally are not. See Minneapolis. Poles usually are hard working contributors to society. Roma? Not so much. We are talking about cultures, not skin shades.
Hand in hand with multiculturalism is open borders. I am well aware that Western countries have a mix of immigration laws, some/most of which are not open borders. Both France and the U. K. give priority to migrants from former colonies, which has become problematic for both. But de facto open borders have been the norm for Western Europe and the U. S. the past few years, long enough for millions upon millions of criminals, fake refugees and other parasitic country shoppers to flood in, along with fentanyl, human trafficking and more.
Have some real refugees come in as well? Yes, and they should be treated with wisdom and compassion. But globalists and woke churchers would have us think most of those migrating are genuine refugees. That is gaslighting. For one thing, if they are refugees, why are they crossing multiple countries and even oceans instead of staying in safe havens closer to their country?
I will answer that: they are country shoppers, many of which are looking for the best welfare benefits, some of which are involved in lucrative criminal enterprises aimed at wealthier Western countries, all of which are taking advantage of insane open borders policies.
Church “social justice” groups, including ACNA’s Matthew 25 Project, would have us think letting these migrants right on in is part of “loving your neighbor.” Judging from the damage being done by mass immigration, open borders is more hating one’s neighbor and one’s country. One does not love one’s neighbor by enabling criminals in the neighborhood. And, yes, illegal immigrants are disproportionately involved in crime. Even legal immigrants from some backgrounds are, too. To assert otherwise is also gaslighting. Maybe academics up in Wheaton are snowed by the deception. Here in South Texas, we are not. If many in France were snowed, fewer are now.
And now we have yet another lesson about the toxicity of wokeness. By vilifying the West and Western culture, wokeness weakens Western societies’ resolve to defend themselves from invaders and criminals. And it indoctrinates many immigrants to see themselves as victims of their host countries instead of being grateful to host countries for their tolerance and opportunities. Wokeness gives justification and even incentive to mass criminality.
In France, Rokhaya Diallo, trained by the U. S. State Department, is just one
prominent example of the woke spreading their poison. In the midst of the France riots (really immigrant attacks on France), she wrote this garbage take blaming racist police. The Guardian published it, of course. She helps encourage and enable mass criminality then blames the police. Typical wokeness.
I have some thoughts on how the church should deal (finally!) with wokeness. But I will save those for other days.
One more lesson that I have learned the hard way. It is not just the woke who are using these events to push their poison. The other day, I retweeted what seemed a reasonable take on France. But almost as soon as I did so, I had second thoughts and checked the profile of the source as it was someone I did not recognize. I found out he was a leader of small and rather nasty political party in the U.K. I hit delete quickly! So be aware that bad actors from both the Left and Right are using the France situation cleverly to promote their poison as they use any number of prominent outrages and conflicts. Avoid being duped into assisting them.
There are other hard lessons from France. I think a revival of legal self-defense throughout the West is in order for one thing, but I’m not going there, not today. I’ve probably written enough to get cancelled already.
Pray for France and the West. We all need it.
Here's something obvious: open borders are to a nation as open marriages are to marriage. Thirty years ago, living in Houston as I was, I could not have imagined that America's borders would be allowed to remain porous much longer. But then, the whole country has gone to Hell, hasn't it?