First, I apologize that this will probably be all I write here this week and maybe next week as well. These two weeks are busy, a good busy, but busy nonetheless — and, this morning at least, tiring as well.
Even today, I hoped to write a longer piece and began so doing. But time and energy are preventing me. So I am posting a truncated piece instead with apologies that this will not be my best. Again, I wish I could do better for you.
With that said, there have been a number of good pieces reflecting on Britain’s troubles. This from Joshua Trevino is a must read.
Rod Dreher has been writing well on this. Here is a non-paywalled piece at the European Conservative. And here is a post from Dreher’s substack.
I want to add one cause of Britain’s troubles that is being largely overlooked. (And I will focus on the English because I know them far better than the Scots or Irish or Welsh.)
The English are like slow boiled frogs.
No, I am not making a derogatory comparison between the English and the French. I am referring to the old tale that the way to boil a frog alive is slowly. He will think his situation is normal and pleasant. And if he ever does notice something is wrong, it will then be too late. (I don’t know how true this is, but that’s how the truism goes.)
I think that is the situation with the English. The mass importation of incompatible cultures has been going on since Tony Blair. The results of that have been considered just part of living in English cities for around 25 years if not longer. When “Red Ken” Livingstone was Mayor of London, it was already known as “Londonstan.”
I still remember my first visit to that London in 2005. There I saw a large march of hundreds of Muslims, if not more, carrying around orange signs. I made a bad joke at the time that they were marching for the color orange. Well, many of those orange signs read (if my memory is correct) “Behead those who insult the Prophet.” Again, this was in 2005. The march was otherwise peaceful, but outrageous conduct from throngs of Muslims has been going on in London for decades now. It’s quite normalized as are any number of enormities in what is now British society.
That is how the Marxists and Globalists operate, by the way. They make the abnormal and even evil more and more prevalent. (“Queering” everything is part of this.) And if you eventually speak up and say that’s not right, well, then you are a throwback bigot, a “right-wing thug,” don’t you know. How dare you express the values of . . . twenty years ago.
So when the other day, I posted to my Facebook friends that, because of the accelerating fall of England I doubted I would now return to the UK, a few of my real-life English friends were dismissive, even disrespectful in a couple of cases. I find the direction of England alarming; they hardly at all, even now. And they thought me silly.
From this side of the Pond, with several long stays in England since 2005, I can see the bigger picture that even my very intelligent English friends are missing. That not because I am smarter; some of these are Oxford scholars. The negative changes are actually easier for me to see. For I’m not the one being slow-boiled by treasonous governments.
Now I would certainly like it if I were proved the alarmist instead of they being complacent. But I do not expect that to happen. And I’d rather not take the next plane to England to find out.
Heck they might arrest a straight talking common sense Texan like me at Heathrow!
image: stolen from Anglican Mainstream
Mark, you are not silly. I encounter people oblivious to the facts of our current state all the time.
Maybe Brits are indeed like the French frogs. Slow boiled in socialism and cultural Marxism.