It was already clear one week into the second Trump Administration that most committed Democrats should be committed. Two weeks in, it is that much more clear they are detached from reality and haven’t learned a thing.
Over the weekend, the Democrat National Committee had a meeting. They really asked to be made into a South Park episode. Here’s two healthy samples of the crazy.
Oh, I nearly forgot. They elected David Hogg Vice-Chair. Yeah, that guy.
More consequential is the proliferation of anti-deportation demonstrations, under foreign flags and blocking major roads and highways. As if holding thousands of drivers hostage under foreign flags furthers their cause and does not make normal people want mass deportations even MOAR.
And Democrat House Leader Hekeem Jefferies pretty much called for this on Friday, even after invasion demonstrations were under way. Referring to what he reflexively calls the “extreme MAGA agenda”, he said “we’re gonna fight it in the streets.” How is that not an incitement to the violence of taking people hostage on the highways and worse?
I’ve oft said that it would take more than one election defeat of the Democrats for them to come to their senses, and they are proving me right yet again. Here’s a post overnight from Sasha Stone, a former Democrat who did come to her senses, on how the Democrats are failing to “un-crazy” themselves.
Now I would rather the Democrats make themselves sane again. It is not healthy for the country for one of the major parties to be so off the rails that they are an existential threat to America. But they are not at sanity yet, not most of the active Democrats.
Fortunately, most of the country is not insane. So the beatings of Democrats will continue until their morale improves. . . . And, for the sake of the country, the political and policy beatings must continue.
On the situation between Fr. Calvin Robinson and the Anglican Catholic Church, I have not said much yet here because so many others have said it well. The ACC bishops responsible for this mess are out of line and so far have beclowned themselves.
Yes, I know that is a strong statement. It is justified here. Robinson made what was an obvious joking reference to Elon Musk throwing his heart out to people and the bishops cast off Calvin without even talking to him first. That after putting up with the heretical universalism and toxic TDS of a certain notorious North Carolina priest for years.
I posted the ACC statement on X.
As I write this, the ACC statement is still up on their front page. Fr. George Christiansen has picked this statement apart very well and in detail.
The small Anglican blog I link above, the Old Jamestown Church, has been following this whole situation closely.
Anglican Unscripted posted a good video summary of the situation on Friday.
Fox and Father has a good summary as well. Fr. Calvin tells what is going on from his perspective and where he is in his thinking.
Those who pray, pray for Fr. Calvin and his parish. And pray the ACC comes to its senses.
This really has wide repercussions for all the Continuing Churches, whether they like it or not. Only look at the Obama/Biden administrations' openly anti-religious edicts on abortion and sexual mutilation of children to realize that Christians cannot keep themselves "pure and clean" and entirely out of the dirty business of politics. It has not escaped my observation that the COVID restrictions particularly targeted churches to the exclusion of some commercial locations and of left-wing protests.
For the ACC bishops to have de-licensed Fr. Robinson in the context of his speech at the national pro-life gathering this January is especially ill-aimed. The proposition that he was imitating a N**i salute is preposterous, and anyone whose information comes from more reliable sources than MSNBC knows it. They knew who Fr. Robinson was when they licensed him. He is not a shrinking violet when it comes to the crucially important issues of the lives of children and of freedom to practice religion.
If the ACC bishops won't come to their senses, perhaps Fr. Robinson's parish in Grand Rapids should reconsider its affiliation with that body. They have deprived parishioners of the sacramental life of the church for reasons which are not valid and show no due process either to the priest or to the parish.