How many times have you heard that slogan already? Those who use it, usually Democrats, usually want us to believe that if Trump wins, he will crush democratic norms, create political prisoners, bring in fascism, and end America as we know it.
Which is a bit odd because that is exactly what Democrats are doing. They have rigged elections, suppressed free speech, pushed political prosecutions of the past President and leading opponent, created political prisoners, and more. Projection can be an amazing thing! As for Democrats being fascist, Sasha Stone describes them well.
It turns out that after all of their complaining about it, the Democrats realized that fascism isn’t so bad after all. Who needs fair trials and all of that? Isn’t just easier to accuse people of things? Do we really need due process? Do we need freedom of speech? Do we even need justice and the rule of law? Isn’t Rachel Maddow’s opinion enough? An angry mob on Twitter instead of a jury?
Turns out, lurching toward fascism is easy. Just like lying to the people is easy. It will be a bloodbath! He’s a dictator! Those who exist in the ruling class will never dare challenge those lies, just as they will never challenge what is obvious corruption of the criminal justice system.
They trot out Adam Schiff to sound smart, and Joy Behar pees her pants in Costco while buying Keurig coffee. Stephen King can finally sleep at night. Rob Reiner can spend what’s left of his life persecuting Christians. It’s a win-win. Maybe we don’t even need elections. Fascism. That’s the answer!
People don’t turn to fascism for nothing. They land there when their desire to hold onto power is bigger than anything else they ever stood for.
So yes, thanks to what the Democrats have become and the harm Democrats are doing, Constitutional democracy is on the ballot.
It is that vital we defeat the Democrats. To fail to do so would further empower their attacks on the basics of a healthy democracy. Among those basics are:
1. Free, fair, and clean elections, not rigged and fraudulent ones. Also respecting the results of said clean elections . . . which Democrats have not done in a Presidential election they lost since, what, 1988? (I’m not joking.)
2. Political opponents are defeated at the ballot box, not in show trials. Nor are they prosecuted after defeat except in the most egregious cases.
3. Freedom of speech, not censorship of political opponents.
Democrats (along with noxious RINO grifters) have torn apart those basics, those “norms” if you will.* They are tearing apart the fabric of our Constitutional democracy. For the sake of our country, we must not reward them. We must stop enabling them. We must punish them — politically at the very least. We must take the levers of power they have so abused out of their hands for a generation or more.
I do not expect that to happen, but if America is to survive as America it needs to happen. Frankly, I suspect the best we can reasonably hope for is a temporary revival of justice and freedom and of a somewhat Constitutional democracy, for a postponement of our demise for maybe ten or twenty years or so. But I think even that is worth striving for.
So, yes, democracy really is on the ballot. That is why we must defeat those who have prated that slogan. We must defeat the “Our Democracy” cabal. For they are turning this country into their fake rigged democracy, not Americans’ real constitutional democracy.
*I decided not to go much into specifics here how Democrats are tearing apart those basics to avoid a long and laborious post. Others are doing that very well, such as