As has become my custom, I began Ash Wednesday flat on my face.
No, that is not from drinking too much on Fat Tuesday (although perhaps maybe I drank a little more than I should). Some years ago as a new Anglican I first saw the practice of clerics beginning the liturgy of Good Friday prostrate, that is laying down flat on the floor face down, in penitence.
I immediately thought that a meet and right way to show physically what our attitude should be before God concerning our sin against Him, against the holy and righteous God — sin that culminated in the greatest crime in history, the crucifixion of the Son of God Himself.
So I made that my custom first thing in the morning on Good Friday and also on Ash Wednesday. I have found that my attitude toward my sin follows my body; prostrating myself assists my penitence. And so I did again this morning along with prayers. A good start to Lent if I may say so.
Then . . . a few minutes later, my clumsiness combined with a boobytrap coffee maker to spill not a little amount of coffee grounds in my kitchen, both on the counter and the floor. Whereupon I immediately took the Lord’s name in vain, and that more than once.
Yes, when I confess I am one of those “miserable sinners”, I’m not just making it up or being trad and liturgically correct.
So just a few minutes after I am penitently praying while piously prostrate on the floor, I am taking the Lord’s name in vain. So not such a good start to Lent after all.
But it is a reminder that I really do need to be penitent. It is also a reminder that no one gets out of Lent alive . . . unless Jesus forgives them and gives them life.
But I am jumping ahead to Good Friday and Easter. Let’s have a penitent Lent first. I need it.