After the Celebration: Why is the House so Close? And WHY is California Still Counting “Votes”?
The answer to both questions is the same.
NOTE: Yes, I said I was going to pause this series. Yes, I said I was going to back away from politics. But the above questions and their answer (Yes, “answer” is singular.) is bugging me so much, I bolted out of bed at 5am to get this off my chest. And it is that important anyway.
The first three posts in this series are over at Stand Firm. I voiced-over those here. This extra post is a bit off topic for Stand Firm. So I’m posting it here.
We can certainly be thankful this Thanksgiving that a certain drunk Commie will not be our President. And we can be thankful that Republicans were much better at stopping election fraud than in 2020.
But some things about the 2024 election still smell as bad as those brussel sprouts Aunt Edna brings every Thanksgiving. One of them is how narrowly Republicans took the House of Representatives. Trump receives a popular vote mandate, even blue states shift significantly redder, but Republicans gain almost nothing in the House? It doesn’t make sense at first glance. How is the House so close?
Probably the most important reason is Democrats rigged the 2020 Census. Yes, I said it. Let’s be honest about it. The Census Bureau, like most of the Federal government, is run by Democrats. (That’s one reason Fed offices should be scattered out of Washington into red states, but that’s another topic.) And in the 2020 census, not only were illegals counted for purposes of Congressional apportionment over the objections of President Trump, but the Census Bureau oh-so conveniently overcounted some blue states and undercounted some red states. They later admitted it. Oops!
Here is how that oopsie affected the House of Representatives:
As a result of these errors, Florida did not receive two additional congressional seats and Texas did not receive one more congressional seat. Meanwhile, two other states, Minnesota and Rhode Island, each retained a congressional seat that they should have lost, and Colorado gained a new seat to which it was rightfully not entitled. (Heritage Foundation)
So that is a likely swing of six seats away from the Republicans right there, not even taking into account including illegals in the census for purposes of apportionment. And that is a very conservative estimate. Seth Keshel calculates the swing to be at least 15 House seats.
Whatever the correct number, it is significant. This is an especially pernicious form of election rigging since we are stuck with it for a decade. For a decade, the composition of the House is thus rigged in the Democrats’ favor.
The second big reason for the closeness in the House is that 2024 was rigged in several states, even if not as badly as 2020. That makes Trump’s margin of victory all the more impressive. It turned out to be “too big to rig.” But the rigging did affect closer state and local races.
Democrats were caught trying to steal a U. S. Senate seat in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. First, there were dirty tricks such as Democrats posing as election officials telling people in line to vote to go home instead. Then during the llllong counting, the election board openly intended to count ineligible undated ballots even though a court had already directed them not to so do. Fortunately, Republican legal eagles and multiple court rulings put a stop to all that.
But Bucks County begs the question of how many places have Democrats been able to steal elections this year. Tammy Baldwin’s Senate victory in Wisconsin, aided by a convenient late vote dump from Milwaukee, does not pass the smell test. But the biggest stench is now coming from California.
California invites election fraud with lots of mail-in ballots that can be counted for weeks with the “help” of partisans going around “helping” voters to “cure” their ballots. And, sure enough, California is still counting ballots. And look who is going around curing ballots? Nancy Pelosi’s daughter. She’s even been bragging about it.
And guess what? I’m sure this will totally shock you but . . . two House seats in California that seemed to be won by Republicans on Election Night now, after weeks of (COUGH) counting, are swinging to the Democrats. The latest of these two is District 13, where the Democrat now leads by about a hundred votes at last look. Yes, a district where Christine Pelosi has been “curing” ballots.
I could go on — you know I could. But I think this is enough to answer the above question. Why is the House so close?
Democrat election rigging and fraud.
So although we can be thankful and downright happy Trump won, we cannot back off on cleaning up our elections. We made some progress in improving matters after the debacle of 2020, but elections in several states are still significantly rigged. At a minimum, we must insist on two reforms: 1. Voter ID in all states 2. mail-in ballots made the exception, not the rule. Mail-in ballots should be restricted to those with prolonged absences from home and and maybe those with profound mobility issues. (I even have doubts about that last exception as harvesting nursing homes and the like for votes has long been a staple of Democrat election fraud.) Allowing mail-ins beyond that is an invitation to massive fraud as we saw in 2020 and to a lesser extent this year.
That, and we really need more people in prison for organized election fraud. That includes a certain lawyer whose initials are M. E.
This country has been greatly harmed through the years by Democrat election rigging and fraud. (Hmmm, maybe I should write a series on that.) These past four years may be the worst, but they are not the first. There is no excuse for putting up with Democrat election rigging any longer. There never was.
But, thanks to Democrat election rigging, we have no choice but to put up with several Democrat Congressmen who should not be in the House at all. We have to deal with a close House.
Lead-in photo: Christine Pelosi going about “curing” ballots.
In case you all think I got too worked up about California, here is some detail on their absurd election laws and procedures. They invite massive election fraud . . . for weeks upon weeks.