Well, last night was disappointing. Yeah, Republicans will probably take the House, but not by a lot. Maybe they can still barely take the Senate in the December Georgia runoff. But this was no Red Wave . . . and it should have been.
There’s a lot of blame going around already, including blaming Trump. Some blame the Dobbs decision. But I blame . . . the country. Yes I do. If after the past two years America does not rise up and punish the Democrats, there is something very wrong with this country. Yeah, go ahead and say I have sour grapes; I don’t care because I’m right. I hope this country is not in terminal decline, but I fear it is now more than ever.
As stated here, I had hoped that two red waves, this year and in 2024 would either result in the political destruction of the Democrat Party or in its reform. But last night was a red noodle. The Democrat Party was practically rewarded and will therefore remain profoundly evil, woke and dangerous with a totalitarian streak a mile wide. Can the country survive a major party in power being that way for an extended time? I guess we’ll find out.
I do not see New York and Illinois and maybe Michigan and another state or two doing well at all after this. Those three states reelected awful governors who have already made their states hellish. I expect those states to depopulate as people flee.
But last night had its bright spots. The Florida results under Gov. DeSantis were amazing. The man won what was once a swing state by almost 20 points, and he pulled a lot of Florida Republicans along with him. It is quite a contrast with tepid results in the rest of the country. He deserves it, and good on Florida!
I once thought DeSantis would not run for President if Trump runs. But I think DeSantis runs regardless, and he should. I don’t think Trump can regain the White House now.
I’m also glad to see Republicans do well among Hispanics (including in my home county in South Texas) and elect Hispanics.
But, although we should not withdraw from the public square, I think us Christians and other traditionally minded people need to prepare, as Rod Dreher advises, for the fall of a free America. For that might be in progress.
At the same time, God is not at all shaken by last night. He remains Lord and will have the final say. And he knows how to take care of His people no matter what. I was reminded of that by seeing at least six separate rainbows yesterday. Yes, it was amazing and encouraging.
And I needed the encouragement it turned out.