A Reminder: Democrats Tried to Take Away Your Right to Vote for Trump
So do you disrespect yourself and your rights enough to vote for them??
What I’m about to get into is old news. But it’s old news normal people have forgotten and need to remember.
So God made abnormal people like me to remind you.
Democrats in THIRTY-SEVEN states tried to take Trump off the ballot, even if he got the Republican nomination, which of course he did. They even tried to take Trump off Republican Primary ballots. Yes, Democrats were trying to keep Republicans from nominating the candidate of their choice. What part of “None of your [naughty word] business” do Democrats not understand?
Even I did not know it was that many states, but check out this map for yourself. And if you like, you can click around for details. Be aware that the map is up to March 4th. All the efforts to ban Trump from the ballot have now failed. (And there might have been additional efforts in more states to ban Trump for all I know although I doubt it because of a Supreme Court ruling I will mention later.)
Why is this important to remember?
There are those, maybe a few even among my readers, who are thinking about voting for Kamala Harris and other Democrats. These need to ask themselves: Do I really want to vote for a party that tried to take away my right to vote for President as I see fit?
Really, if you are only allowed to vote for one of the major party nominees for President, if you are NOT allowed to vote for the other major candidate, then really you have no right to vote at all. Your vote is as coerced and meaningless as in the old Soviet Union. (And, yes, I also don’t like it that minor party candidates are so often kept off the ballot.)
So again I ask: do you really have so little respect for yourself and for your rights that you would vote for the party, the Democrat Party, that tried to take away your right to a real vote? This question goes double in Colorado where Democrat officials and Democrat hack judges actually did take Trump off the ballot. It took the U. S. Supreme Court to restore Trump to the Republican Primary ballot in Colorado.
And I’m not even getting into other numerous Democrat efforts to rig elections and nullify your vote, such as registering non-citizens to vote, opposition to Voter ID, DOJ opposition to cleaning up voter registration rolls, etc. etc.
If you have so little respect for your rights and the rights of others that you would still vote Democrat . . . well, I hardly know what to say except that you have bigger problems than the election, and the biggest problem is you. You really need to take a good hard look at yourself and at the sort of politics you are supporting.
The 2020 election rigging and the lawfare against Trump since turned Sasha Stone away from the Democrats.
Be as big a person as her and do likewise.
At the risk of repeating myself, do you really want to vote for a party that tried to strip you of your right to vote?
lead in photo: The sort of “elections” Democrats want… or is it a Democrat Convention?