Happy Friday! I am fresh from a good vacation — and I appreciate your patience with me as I took an unannounced break. If instead you were concerned or impatient, I appreciate that, too. I will try to catch up a bit now. Forgive me for any typos or other errors as do not want to delay posting any longer.
My last post took those who invited David French to the upcoming PCA General Assembly to the woodshed. And I welcomed the blowback against that foolish decision.
My vacation was made that much better with the news that the blowback made a difference. The panel to be led by French has been taken off the General Assembly schedule.
This illustrates that is it important for faithful Christians to put their foot down and speak up when the leaders of their church err greatly. That is part of faithfulness and of loving your church. And it can make a difference as it did in this instance.
I’ve oft noted that a big reason the (once) mainline denominations went down the tubes to Hellish apostasy is that most of the faithful in the pews said and did little until it was too late. As long as their congregation was fine — or seemed to be fine — they were content and kept putting their cash and checks into the offering plate. So for the middle decades of the 20th Century, imposters could continue dragging the mainline denominations into apostasy with little cost. Of course, in most cases the apostasy eventually took over the relatively healthy congregations as well. But by that time, it was too late to do much about it other than leave. And a great many have left. I am one of them.
So good on those in the Presbyterian Church in America who spoke up and created a stink even. Every church needs that kind of tough love from its members and from interested faithful friends, too.
Sadly the Roman Catholic Church may be going the way of the Protestant old mainline. That did not start with “Pope” Francis but it sure has accelerated under him.
I’ve noticed that 60 Minutes interviewed him, to be aired this Sunday. I rarely watch 60 Minutes but I will then! This promo excerpt is revealing about his attitude towards The Faith and the faithful. Instead of being faithful to the tradition of The Faith, Francis looks down on those who “cling” to tradition.
Well, I will keep clinging to great Tradition of The Faith, thank you.
What a contrast Francis is to the attitude of faithful Popes and Doctors, including Benedict XVI, who put such weight on the tradition of the Church that they said they did not have the authority to change or depart from it even if they wanted to. Their attitude, at least outwardly, was they could only build on the foundation laid by Christ and His Apostles and Fathers, not reject inconvenient parts of it.
I’ve never completely agreed with how Rome interpreted and built upon the Tradition. But I also never thought I would see the day when Rome would go the way of old mainline Protestantism. Apostasy sneaks up on you.
But faithful and courageous Catholics remain. One of them is Kansas City Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker. He told it like it is when he addressed the Commencement of Benedictine College.
Well, this truth telling has triggered the triggerable. And there is an effort to get him kicked out of the NFL.
To counter this effort to cancel Butker, there is a petition in support of Butker. I and over 10,000 have signed it so far. I urge you to do likewise.
And I urge you to celebrate Pentecost in a worthy manner. Have an excellent weekend.
Signed and shared