I normally pay little attention to New Years prognostications. Heck, I don’t even make New Years resolutions. I make resolutions to change or do better whenever I see the need —which is often even if I am slightly hard headed — or at the beginning of Lent or Advent.
Well, to be honest, I have decided that in 2024 I need to get with it and write that book on practical responses to the Apocalypse, but anyway . . .
There is one prediction for 2024 that has gotten my attention, that of Catherine Herridge, whom I greatly respect. Yes — a mainstream network news reporter I actually respect. During “Face the Nation” on Christmas Eve, she ventured:
2024 may be the year of a black swan event. This is a national security event with high impact that's very hard to predict.
I suspect she is more right than she knows. Try to get into the mind of someone wanting to harm the U. S. or an U. S. ally. Would you rather commit the deed while the weak President Biden is in power (or those pulling his strings are in power) or under who might be President in 2025, Donald Trump?
The question practically answers itself. Love or hate Trump, but he does not put up with or invite bull manure like Biden does. And friend and foe know it is much more pleasant to be on Trump’s good side than on his bad. See how North Korea’s “Rocket Man” suddenly became cooperative after Trump took office in 2017? See how Putin did not invade Ukraine under Trump but did under both Obama and Biden? Notice how the Trump years were years of remarkable peace? Our adversaries did not want to mess with him.
So if China, Iran, or some terrorist cabal wants to attack the U. S. or an ally, they have incentive to do it soon, and not under a second Trump Administration.
Another reason an attack on the U. S. is very possible, even likely, is all the millions of invaders Biden has let right on in across our border. One would have to be naive to think that among those millions of mainly military-aged males are not thousands who would like to do us harm. The Mexican drug cartels have no doubt greatly increased their infiltration of our country under Biden.
And are we not under attack already? Blue states and cities especially are under attack from criminals, including organized looters, those blocking our highways, and, worst of all, those poisoning our youth with fentanyl. There are virtually no consequences for the criminals; real punishment is rare. And if citizens intervene to try to stop them, which also rarely happens, then the citizens are punished.
Criminal gangs and terrorists must be laughing at us. But they, too, realize the environment might not be as hospitable for them after January 20th, 2025. So expect their predations to escalate in 2024. (I will concede that Democrats might decide suddenly to play tough and hope voters forget three years of coddled crime. We shall see.)
So I will go one further than Herridge. I expect one or more devastating attacks on America in 2024. With their open borders, coddling of mass crime, and manifest weakness, Democrats and the Biden Regime are practically asking for it.
Happy New Year!
Here's the sad thing, though - with all the insanity that has taken place, it would certainly have to be a huge thing even to be noticed anymore!
I lazily keep a Dire Predictions file, have done so for about 15 years. Your black swan prediction is plausible.